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I don't think I necessarily had a lot of ideas, I think it's just me being lazy, losing motivation and being inpatient. Eventho I've been making games for 6 years (yes, that long, have been using godot for like 4 months?) I haven't gotten used to finishing them. I've tried to follow that 4:44 rule. Took me 3 hours to think about this thing, sat down for 30 minutes to code some basic stuff and went to bed. Next morning I've continued with coding and it took me something like 3 hours to get to this current point (also tried to change up movement and some other stuff, turned out it was just a massive waste of time).  When I was done with what I've planned so far, my brain just shut down, couldn't think of anything else to throw in this game that would work with sanity system (It seems like I really like to talk about it :/ ) and didn't even try to work that last day.

I tried out your project starter, looks pretty much like mine. The only difference is that I have a simple options menu (not intended for browser games) and a character select menu (heavy usage of singletons). And thank you for providing it, I always thought that I needed to throw some more stuff to it, you proved me that I was in wrong.

I think I will try to jam from time to time just so I can get myself into the habit of finishing my games. This one doesn't count!

Thank you so much for your comment and good luck to you!