I not used up 2000 skills entirely, I always left some free skill id's and stuff but a lot of skills use multiple skill slots and enemy skills and passive skills are also included in that 2000 skill id list.
The solution I came up with is reorganizing the entire skill base and optimizing it a lot better and tight. I didn't do that before since i had no idea that limit existed or else i had planned with that in mind.
I already started testing around and it seems like it will fit, it is just a lot of work, since i need to manually fix each skill position and then play through the entire demo again to see if everything works like it should.
I already made good progress and everything seems to work so far but I still want to finish my test playthrough to be sure that everything should work again. After taht I make an post informing about the new version 1.2.5, regarding save games and what changed.
But I can already say, at the moment it seems like I can continuing with the game. I also made sure to have enough free space for all future tf's as well as party mebers. Its just a very boring and long work to change the entire skill base but it seems not to be the end of the game luckely^^