I had to come back to write the review, pay attention to the warnings if any possible concerns. This game doesn't mess around at the end. (There's nothing graphic, but the implied events are enough for me given the psychological nature of the undertones coming up to it. )
I can tell that a lot of work has been put into this game. So many objects have text associated with them and there are multiple "levels". Good use of sound. Has that retro gaming feel with darker connotations. I did find the blind maze a bit frustrating, but did find my way through it eventually. (I'm not quite sure why it was so hard to find one of the turns as it was there but I seemed to miss it a number of times. Probably not a game bug but a "my end" issue. But did leave me wondering if the level was passable for a while given the initial statement that the game was "unfinished" by the person creating it). It needs another pass for spelling, but given this game is written by someone who doesn't speak English as a first language, the fact it has been translated at all is impressive. Also given the game isn't meant to be complete (in the game world) you could probably give it somewhat of a pass on that factor anyway.
So the ending. This is the part of the game that is probably going to be a bit divisive. I can see why it went there given the obvious spiraling of the main character, but I wish there was a choice there not to involve others.