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A member registered Jul 14, 2023 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

Le concept est hilarant et c'est tellement juicy, vous avez trop géré. Bravo l'équipe !

edit : j'avais pas vu que vous aviez mis les pseudos de tout les jammers dans les settings c'est tellement une bonne idée vous êtes des boss.

Et vouip, il faudrait que je prenne le temps de créer une font personnalisée avec tout les accents les cédilles et compagnie, mais c'est un peu fastidieux alors je repousse ce moment...

Hello, content que tu aies jeté un œil sur ce petit projet

C'est absolument une ode à Sam Barlow dont j'aime beaucoup les concepts sur Her Story et Telling Lies, et l'occasion de tester de nouvelles fonctionnalités du logiciel Decker que j'apprends encore péniblement à prendre en main, d'où les quelques inélégances dans le design de la barre de recherche.

C'est effectivement plus rigolo de trouver sa voie en tentant des mots-clés plutôt que d'exploiter la faille que tu as trouvée, j'essaierais de fix ça quand je ferais une repasse générale (et y'en a du polish à faire, c'est dur de s'y mettre après coup !)

Merci encore pour ton retour !

Hi ! Love the concept, would you have any template for Interactive fiction writers ? 

Thx !

Ok it's another level of Decker that makes me so ashamed of my little experiments !! ITS AMAZING.

glad you feel it that way!! Did you find the culprit ?

Hi ! Currently working with your tool - and i think its lovely - but as it is based on an old version of unity i cant export in WebGL- would you mind uploading a new version soon ?

i love this aesthetic its huge 

Excellent game ! Loved the aesthetic, and it's simple enough for people like me !

Oh wow, ça me fait chaud au coeur ! 
A cette époque je venais de lire les livres de l'ethnologue Nastassja Martin "Croire aux fauves" ainsi que "A l'ouest des rêves", j'ai mixé ça avec quelques recherches sur des peuples nomades (notamment les samis de Laponie), le tout saupoudré d'une ambiance un peu dystopique à la Antoine Volodine. 

ah oui, je n'ai pas réinitialisé l'entrée de la barre de recherche à chaque fois qu'un nouveau doc est ouvert. J'essaierais de fixer ça si j'ai du temps ! merci :D 

Hey ! Merci pour ton retour :D 

Est-ce que ce que tu appelles "une interface bugguée", c'est le fait qu'il faut taper, sans presser entrer, et qu'il y a une légère latence avant d'avoir le résultat ? Ou tu as rencontré d'autres problèmes ? 

And here is a new one (in French) !

maybe Internet Janitor would accept an interview for another article ? 

yeah I wrote this ! Trying to do the propaganda !! I’ll post a tutorial in french soon 🔥

Thanks !! The Beginner's Guide was totally my inspiration for this,, I'm glad you recognized it, your Graveyard game also made me think about that level in a cave with thousands of messages ! I liked it so much.

I think I'm close to the solution, but I don't understand why when I write "moves.text:moves.text-1" -> the field displays "-1" instead of doing a calculation... 

I'm using SearchEngine contraption, I'm not sure if I can "override" the links displayed in this prototype?

I'd like to make a "search" game system, so players type something into the bar, then click on a card that contains the term (so far I've had no problems!). 

But to put an end to the game, I'd like their number of moves to be limited, so they can view say 10 documents (so 10 different cards) before automatically arriving at a new card that forces them to turn in an investigation report. What would be the easiest way to do this? 

The other idea I have would be to set up a countdown visible from all the maps, at the end of which you arrive at a final map, but I imagine that's a lot more complicated...

Totally clear and perfectly works (as usual you're the boss)

Hi ! 

On a card I have a slider, which can display values between 0 and 5. Next to it is a "validate" button.

I'd like the validate button to take the player to different cards depending on the value he chooses (so 6 different cards, since there are 6 possible values). I imagine this isn't very complicated, but I can't find the trick!

Hey ! i submitted a game made with Decker during the deck comp to the if short games showcase 2023

and lt won !!

Best in Show

1st place (tie): Solkatt_ by @BenyDanette

And Best Use of Interactivity

1st Place: Solkatt_ (english version) by @BenyDanette

Im happy to share Decker to the interactive fiction  community, i hope it will bring more people to use it !

and thank you so much @InternetJanitor for your help and your patience !

merci beaucoup !!

Thanks for playing! 

Yeah, I deactivated the ability to click on objects from the moment you get the talisman, mainly because some of the text is light, and would have clashed with the weird atmosphere. I would have had to make an alternative text for all the clickable objects, but I didn't have much time left to finish the game, so I made this somewhat radical and frustrating choice, once the shuffle comp jam is finished I'll probably make some changes to improve it all, and make the ending less abrupt.

I loved this trip. 

The aesthetic is super elegant, the various stories well written, the epilogue brilliant.


The choice of colors for the voices in our heads (green-red-blue) is a slight drawback, especially as the background is super immersive, but that's a detail.

Great atmosphere, I played the music at full volume in the background and it was an epic escape scene!

I didn't understand why some of the links were a different color (sometimes pink, sometimes yellow). 

I found it very interesting to gradually discover the story while keeping a lot of questions unanswered, it was great!

Maybe it's because I'm on mobile, but I wasn't sure if the story was over because there's no mention of "end" or credit or going back to the beginning of the game, but it felt very much like a final scene so I guess it was!

I'm very bad at remembering names, but once I concentrated enough to understand the links between the protagonists, I found this little piece of life touching, especially during the second passage, so I could have the other version! 

Thanks for that!

I really liked the drag-and-drop mechanic, but felt that its potential was a little under-utilized, since in the end you don't really have a choice about which words to interact with, you just have to unfold all the paragraphs each time to unlock the rest. 

In any case, the story is interesting, and you get the feeling that it's part of a more complex universe that you want to discover! 

Hyper impressive, at first I thought that leaving a message wouldn't be taken into account by the game, then I recognized the pseudonyms of people I knew in the world of interactive fiction, and immediately it became great to realize that you could participate in the game universe, you could even create a game within the game, it's just too good.

A contemplative story, with a lot left unsaid and, at the same time, a kind of sense of security. I think this mixture of strangeness and closeness that one can feel towards a parent, especially a father (who is rarely emotionally equipped to communicate his feelings) is really right and touched me a lot.

All I got at the end was a blank screen, without the game telling me that I'd reached the end - but as I played on mobile (and more precisely on safari), that may just be a compatibility problem.

Even if it's not directly linked to the shuffle comp, it's super touching that you used some of my photos, it gave me goosebumps.

The story is great, the alternation of points of view is fluid, in short I love it.

The soundscape and aesthetics are superbly mastered. The concept is simple but super effective, and the fact that you can interact with the characters in such a minimal way as to give them back their coins is a real bonus.

I loved this experience, this decorum opens up so many possibilities it's super inspiring.

Thank you, thank you!

I played this game on my phone (on safari), so I didn't get to see the UI changes, but the story itself is really touching, and I loved making the most heartbreaking choices! It's very well written and I totally identified with this vacation romance.

Inception nightmare version! Thanks for that, it was a short but sweet story (and I love the basic song so my opinion is bound to be biased).

Hi! thanks for the time you took to play and for your feedback. my intention was to play on nostalgia; melancholy, boredom, and leave the rest to interpretation. i hesitated and thought that adding a warning might provoke more anxiety in anticipation. i'm sorry if the atmosphere of the game made you uncomfortable, i'll try to formulate a warning that isn't anxiety-provoking but that captures the particular atmosphere of the game.  

Take care!

is there a way to have a kind of loop, so that when you click on the right arrow when you're at the last text, it goes back to the first text, and vice versa?

Ok, la partie où on regarde la télé m'a vraiment fait souffler fort du nez, et avoir remplacé le mot "game" par le petit emoji manette y compris dans la description du jeu c'est vraiment le genre de détails qui sont cools ! bravo ! 

Prenez un gilet jaune, mixez-le avec un morceau de Jul (un organe, pas une chanson), et saupoudrez le tout avec du psoriasis de Tolkien et vous obtiendrez cet audacieux mélange.

Franchement j'ai trop gole-ri ! 

Merci d'avoir organisé tout ça, c'était un chouette défi !