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All walls are breakable but explosive damage does a lot more damage to them than other sources, so regular bullets for example will take a lot longer to break them. I've tried to keep enemies and their projectiles the most visible things, but yeah it can be improved. It isn't really meant to be a survivors type of game (closest equivalent would be something like Nuclear Throne) so the way the game is designed I don't think automatically firing your guns would work.

Not looking for anything specific, just anything you can think of really. More thoughts are better than less.

My problem with manual fire was that it's so tedious for how many enemies there were. Hm, when I think of something comparable, something like Diablo 2, I would click constantly, too, but it doesn't feel as exhausting. Can't really pin point.

Another thing: the perspective felt incredibly far zoomed out. I always had the urge to zoom in. At the same time, it was sometimes difficult to separate a wall from a walkable path, when it was all dark and narrow.

One guess would be that you feel disconnected from the action. There is a debug function that I haven't bothered to disable to zoom in and out (9 and zero 0 buttons), you might think it feels better zoomed in. However some things might feel unfair instead, like getting shot from offscreen and not seeing enemies. Also if you zoom out more things will look very weird.

Yeah, I expect that much. From a tactical side it's nice having that overview.

Addendum: My first attempt.

Thanks for the vid, its great help just to see people play. Oh and I'll fix the loading times, I've added a lot of resources and everything gets loaded into memory at the same time for no real reason. I just haven't got around to fixing it.