I'm having issues with your plugin and VS's ItemsEquipsCore. For some reason, it's not evaluating correctly in the merchant and inventory screens. When looking at a mainhand, offhand, or twohanded items (including shields) while the character's offhand is empty, it just shows "-". If the offhand is full, mainhand, offhand, and twohanded items evaluate correctly, but dual-wieldable weapons only evaluate comparing to the mainhand. I'm definitely caring less about the second part, but the first one is a major problem and is gonna confuse the hell out of players. :(
I believe that is because when the character doesn't have anything in their offhand, the menu considers them only wielding one weapon, so it doesn't show the possible change of the atk value of the offhand weapon.
Unfortunately, I don't have a good way to fix this, as the VS plugins are all obfuscated, and I don't have a way to hook into and change their menu scenes. It's frankly surprising that there was any change at all on that one.
Does it evaluate the proper way on the equip scene?
My discord account name is on my main page? profile? whatever it is, and you don't have to be my friend, or share any servers in common with me to send me a dm.
I'm not sure when, or how much time I can devote to helping you out, though, since I'm at work right now. But send me what you have and we can work something out.