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Thank you for the review, what you say about changing color of the enemies for variation is something I have in mind, the mastery tree I will try to make more understandable. The interaction of fireballs is intended, I want people using it as a shotgun be a valid strategy.

Making the crystal disappear after some time I think is a bad idea, I played many of these kind of games and destroying enemies while positioning on the screen order to get some crystals is part of the difficulty and challenge. I don't think people who like survivors-like games would enjoy it. 

I will take notes on that topic of the enemy curve, is gonna take some time make a good one, specially because I wanted to be 20 minutes... but I am working on new enemies and bosses, so I will have enough variety in the future to fill those 20 minutes.

By the way, did you try the ice spikes or thunders? right click let shoot icespikes that  slow and pierce enemies, thunders are a power up that appears when lvl up that make land lightning strikes at ramdom spots of the screen.

By the way, did you try the ice spikes or thunders?

Both. I liked thunder gfx very very much is utility is great. Ice pierce is also good, gfx is a little tone down and usability was just fine (I didnt spec for it thou,. I can try another run where I spec  mostly ice/thunder and see where it goes. Your system is built for that, or fire should always be your main weapon?


Played 2 more runs.

Full thunder dosen't work but I think it's fine (you could add a homing thunder skill that makes thunder spawn on enemies)

Full Ice is even stronger than fire, and when you start killing slimes you snowball a ton.

In the end there is balance problem once you descover ice is the strongest. I dunno what your philosophy is about this, but a potential solution would be enemies with elem res so you can't just spam your strongest magic for 10min 

other things I noticed:

- when you lvlup you fire(a fireball), so or you add a little cooldown when you pause to atks, or make lvlup buttons on release, not on push

- if you rightlick while in lvlup screen witch will do atk animation(it's very cute but still a bug)

- make pillars transparent when you go behind them. More on that, you should probably do this too for enemies/E.bullets.

- maybe make a list of all your Pows in the pause menu, or on the sides of the screen


Yeah, ice is OP now because it have infinity pierce, so they can damage a whole line of monster while fire don't, I will test some solutions with it, fire can be OP too because it knockback enemies, if you combine a high firerate + bullets you can pushback on ton of enemies with out them ever touching you.

maybe make a list of all your Pows in the pause menu, or on the sides of the screen

Good idea, I will work on that.

make pillars transparent when you go behind them. More on that, you should probably do this too for enemies/E.bullets.

Sure, I will make the pillars do that.