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Played 2 more runs.

Full thunder dosen't work but I think it's fine (you could add a homing thunder skill that makes thunder spawn on enemies)

Full Ice is even stronger than fire, and when you start killing slimes you snowball a ton.

In the end there is balance problem once you descover ice is the strongest. I dunno what your philosophy is about this, but a potential solution would be enemies with elem res so you can't just spam your strongest magic for 10min 

other things I noticed:

- when you lvlup you fire(a fireball), so or you add a little cooldown when you pause to atks, or make lvlup buttons on release, not on push

- if you rightlick while in lvlup screen witch will do atk animation(it's very cute but still a bug)

- make pillars transparent when you go behind them. More on that, you should probably do this too for enemies/E.bullets.

- maybe make a list of all your Pows in the pause menu, or on the sides of the screen


Yeah, ice is OP now because it have infinity pierce, so they can damage a whole line of monster while fire don't, I will test some solutions with it, fire can be OP too because it knockback enemies, if you combine a high firerate + bullets you can pushback on ton of enemies with out them ever touching you.

maybe make a list of all your Pows in the pause menu, or on the sides of the screen

Good idea, I will work on that.

make pillars transparent when you go behind them. More on that, you should probably do this too for enemies/E.bullets.

Sure, I will make the pillars do that.