I can see that a lot of work went into this during those 3 days! There are good visuals here but they feel mismatched. The knight, for example, has smooth shading while the models in the environment have flat shading giving them a low-poly look. I assume the visuals aren't final seeing that I found a model with default textures but I wanted to point it out since you wanted feedback. Plus consistency matters a lot to me. Low-poly is a popular art style among indies and well-liked by gamers so going all in on that style may be wise. The other thing that stood out to me was the placement of the sprint key because I found it uncomfortable to jump while sprinting. It could just be me but I think the Shift key may be better and it's also more standard.
Thanks for the feedback, I really appreciate that you look at the technical level of the game, I have not uploaded the optimized version and what you say about not having coherence or concordance between the character and the environment, there really is but in that version I had too many lighting problems precisely due to the fact of the little time I had and betting on the 3d, I was very detailed in textures, sound effects, music and environment but all that generated very bad optimization which triggered a pattern of extremely bad shading during the game, which may have happened to you to play it and see it, today I will upload the most optimized version, if you want to take a look when it is posted I will appreciate your time and comments. again thank you very much for your words.