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Fun idea.  Here are a few things that need to be fixed:

* The shop keeper says "I can trade my good here" on inspect instead of "goods"
* Need a prompt for hopping out of VR with Esc instead of insta hopping out
* If you hit continue while speaking, it should finish the current dialogue first instead of moving to the next part of dialogue.  Once it's at the end of the current dialogue (through hitting continue or naturally) then continue should go to the next text
* The required rent goes up too fast to catch up with, should be much more gradual, or even just go up every time you pay it maybe
* The detection radius for interaction goes away if you do an action and level up so you have to move away and come back.  It should never technically go away, just hide the action box if you're currently doing an action.
* The detection radius for interaction can be walked through and missed sometimes like with doors if you try to walk in a shop.  Either show the interaction as a shape on the ground, or make sure that you can't accidentally walk through/past it

(1 edit) (+1)

thanks helps a lot :D