Nice game! Here's my initial impressions and feedback that I wrote as I played the game.
I like the presentation. The intro logo is very soulful.
I like that you see the area name when you start playing.
The red and green confirm/cancel buttons look out of place but I guess they're probably placeholders.
Jumping feels unresponsive. I'm not sure if it's intended or not. It's like there's input delay.
I don't like having to use the mouse to attack since using the sword doesn't require aiming. Maybe it's because you unlock a gun later on? I hope you're going to add rebindable controls so I can use Z/X/C to attack and interact.
You should be able to close the menu and map mid-animation. Also, the animations take too long.
It'd be nice if you could have a map overlay so you can move while looking at the map.
Since you have to use the mouse, you should being able to click to advance through the tutorial screens.
I feel like a game journalist lol but I got stuck on A6-2 for a while because at first I couldn't see the thing you are supposed to hit. Then I thought it was too high to hit after trying 2-3 times. So I backtracked because I thought I missed an item.
You should be able to grab ladders mid-air.
I don't like how the character controls, in general. Being locked in animations doesn't feel great. I understand I might not be the target audience however, since this looks like a cinematic platformer.
After climbing the ladder I was moving the crate and I almost softlocked myself. My character got stuck between the barrel and crate and was jiggling left and right. I could climb down the ladder but when I climbed back up I was stuck again. Thankfully I could destroy the barrel by attacking.
Looking forward to see you make progress on this game, it looks really cool and ambitious.