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A member registered Dec 17, 2015 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

I would love to play this game on mobile, so an android release or web player would be sick!

hey thanks for giving this a shot! could you tell me what bugs you ran into?

Nice job! you've got a great start so far! The mechs overall feel pretty good. I love that your mom did artwork, thats adorable!

I think turning off texture filtering might help, since a lot of the graphics like the radar are so low res. even if they're just placeholder for now.

I think quick turn on down + shift is not great, especially without having an animation for it. I thought I was teleporting and got really confused. I would map that to something like Q or X, and have Down+Shift be a dash backwards (that's what I was trying to do anyway, not realizing I was quick turning)

I think the jump and hover are a bit too floaty. I would crank up the gravity scale and maybe try to get some more dynamic arcs to the jump. you should drop like the 100 ton brick shithouse you are when you let go.

As for weapons, I think the distinction between "primary" and "secondary" here is not nearly as important as "left" and "right", and I think it would do well to have those coincide on mouse and number keys. so lmb and 1 should control the left gun, and rmb and 2 should control the right gun, that way you don't have to mentally flip it around.

lastly, small bug, but if I'm firing the gatling gun and switch weapons mid fire, the gatling gun continues to shoot.

All that said, I like this game a lot so far and can't wait to play more! I hope this feedback helps you with development, and good luck!

yeah, pc controls need a rework for sure. hence the "this game is best played with a controller" prompt at the beginning.

I'm thinking camera should just automatically follow the mouse, and maybe after like, a couple seconds after turning a direction, it should rotate around to be behind the player? left click to punch, right click to shoot? that would probably make way more sense.

I'm glad you liked it and gave it a shot! thanks for playing

"no, we have balatro at home"

this game is awesome! you've got something REALLY solid here. I got addicted almost immediately. love the art, the visuals, animations, design, sounds, music, everything is super polished and well executed.

I think, before adding anything new, you should make the tutorial a lot more robust, and really break down all the basics as much as possible, because I played for a while just clicking and not understanding anything. I might just be dumb, but I feel like i was only grasping about 15% of what was going on for the first hour. but I did get hooked and play for like 2 hours so maybe you're already on to something. 

The wild card powerups are the absolute sauce tho

Still a  big fan! this game is really awesome. The last time I played was several demo days ago, and I enjoyed it even then. Seeing all the new levels of content, polish and improvement is great. I really don't have too many notes other than keep going! I think you've got a really solid project here

I think the only thing is that the enemies AI feels too rudimentary. I would like to see more strafing and and maybe varying levels of aggression. It feels like they all just walk up and attack, but many enemies just try to path to the nearest point where they can attack you from, so if they can't reach you cause theres a bunch of others in the way, they just clog up in a big pool. If they had a way to communicate with each other to send in waves to attack directly while other strafed, or send off single units away to get help from bigger hoards elsewhere in the dungeon, little things like that I think go a huge way in making the enemies and the space feel much more alive.

good luck!

0 is good if everyone else is in the negatives lol

thank you so much for playing the game and providing all this detailed feedback! it will help me out a ton with development and polish.

how far did you end up getting?

yeah hahaha you had the brightness turned waaaaay too far down. I would recommend giving it another shot and just keeping the brightness in the middle. but thanks so much for playing and providing a video of your playthrough, it helps me out so much with development, so its much appreciated

Thanks so much for playing my game and streaming it! I missed the stream but I watched the vod. I was very impressed because you actually tried stuff, read the tutorials, saved frequently, you played the game! You also managed to beat the first boss and with barely any health, that was really impressive! I haven't seen any streamers get that far.

your video and feedback will help me out a lot in fixing bugs and polishing the game to improve the feel, so thanks again!

just got done watching, you found a lot of things that need to get fixed and helped me identify them! thanks again so much for that!
I was dying watching because you kept disconnecting the module after equipping it so you never got to see the explode power bauble in effect hahaha hopefully next demo day things will be even better

hey thank you so much for playing and recording your session & feedback! this helps me out a ton and is greatly appreciated!

hey! a fellow godot dev! right on!

Games not bad, but its still obviously very early in development so, not a lot to talk about yet.

The controls weren't... horrible, in that I could pretty reliably do the things i expected to do. But I think you should be asking yourself why you would want to have a control scheme like that? if its to be unique for the sake of being unique, i don't think it really adds anything to the experience that your players would find worthwhile, at least at this stage thats the impression anyway. I think a simple mouse direction / thumbstick for interacting, click-and-hold, etc. would work a lot better.

I liked your use of the fog-of-war effect, i'm sure once theres more to explore there will be some fun stuff! keep it up!

Hey I think this is pretty cool. Its obviously still early in development, so there isn't a ton to talk about yet, but I like the sprites I think they look good.
some things I think that might be able to be implemented early that would add a lot would be a lock on function so you can strafe a target and use ranged more effectively. Click might be a good input for that. your screenshots show other areas and stuff but after I killed the first guy I wasn't sure if there was anything else.

I look forward to seeing where this goes! keep it up!

Hey thank you so much for checking out the game. I'm glad you liked it and I appreciate the feedback, this is going to help me out a lot with development and improving things.

hey thank you so much for checking it out and giving all these notes. This will help me out a ton with fixing things and improving the game!

thank you so much for playing the game and giving such detailed feedback! this is going to help me out a lot with bug fixes and improving the gameplay!

this game is really incredible. For how complex the stuff going on is, you have found ways to make the controls really comprehensive and intuitive. Despite how many factory sim type games like this we've seen, this definitely has its own flavor and vibe, and I love that. I will definitely be following along with this game and can't wait to play the full version!

Man this game is awesome. I was amazed to see like, a game that can be played on AGDG, I'm not used to that. The music was great! sound design is pretty solid, and the mouth noises for UI sounds is fun. Keep adding more sounds, the more feedback you get the more immersive it is.

 i would kind of prefer to have WSAD controls in addition to point and click, I feel kind of disengaged with the way the game controls as is. 

the vibe is very strange and cool, though I'm not sure if I understand what is happening, but thats the kind of stuff I like.


gotta agree with her there hahaha keep up the great work! I look forward to playing through the rest of this and seeing this game come together even more

I did not consider the bus...

The wizard is so bad, but he is doing his best lmao! great game, I would try to find more balance of the speed of the wizard and the enemies to make it a bit less frustrating, but really solid stuff.

Game is adorable! loved the look, plays well, solidly put together! look forward to whats next from this team!

I liked this game a lot. The level of polish and execution on its gameplay concepts was impressive. It just needs a few small QOL things added in to kick it up to that next level. Really fantastic job!

Really nice job, wasn't expecting to get dropped in like that, great subversion and great use of theme. Though the overall concept is probably pretty common, your execution of it is unique and you crafted it well to deliver something that was really quickly engaging and exciting. Polish up delivery in UI, add more content, tighten the controls and keep up the great work!

great game! nice work, impressive number of levels, level design was solid and consistent. The puzzles were engaging and made me have to think, and I got sucked in easily. nice work! I would say try to push your level of polish as you go forward and keep at it!

Hey thanks so much for playing the game and writing this review! this is some really good feedback and I think its going to help me make some improvements!

the idea is you have a module, and you'll collect / craft more in the game and improve the amount of slots they have. The power baubles are like materia from ff7 mixed with items from risk of rain 2. They have effects and or status changes that get activated all at once when the module activates. When you equip it to a slot, that slot corresponds to the action that triggers it.

Thats the concept anyway, still  a long ways to go, and of course making a tutorial for that is gonna be gnarly

pretty solid, cute little platformer. I wrote my review before reading through the game page and realizing that you built this in your own engine, so I'm guessing your focus is more on engine dev than game dev, and I think thats cool. great job on being able to make a solid game in your own engine that runs well.
as far as the game goes, I've got a couple tips that would probably be pretty easy to add that would go a long way in juicing up the game.

  • when you die, the level instantly restarts, this is known to be pretty disorienting to players, especially in instant kill platformers like these. Adding even like a short death animation that hangs and gives some feedback would go a long way. I would also recommend not restarting the level but having checkpoints and resetting only the player. if the lights continued after a death it would allow the player to get more information about the challenge they died on which will motivate them to try again and learn instead of getting frustrated. of course, keeping the restart button in case they end up in an unwinnable situation and need to truly reset the level
  • the jump feels extremely floaty. i would try and tighten the velocity curve such that the player ascends very fast but also quickly loses speed and falls back down. you could also make it so they fall slower until they release the jump button, then start falling down faster after releasing. I would recommend watching this video and paying attention to the breakdown on some of the fundamental movement mechanics in a few well known platformers
  • since this game is about an owl flying through night, maybe you could lean into the animal aspects of the owl character, like a hover / glide ability by pressing and holding space in midair? might give the player some extra tools to help them out with the tougher jump levels like 7 and 8

keep up the great work! I think you've got a really solid start here and you're poised to be able to add just tons of fun stuff.

thanks so much for playing and giving feedback! I'm glad you liked it, and there's a lot more to come. This first area, "The Pit" is just like, the beginning tutorial area but there's gonna be a lot more areas with different vibes, and I'm kinda just trying out stuff and seeing what works in terms of visuals and art, etc. Its all a learning process. But I want to do like, pre-rendered fmv sequences, kind of old school style cut scenes at some point too.

by all means, please feel free to give more specific feedback, and don't hold back!

This game rules! great artwork. The movement and combat have a lot of unique aspects that you are doing an impressive job implementing. You also have good UI, tutorials and overall polish to the game at this stage.

I can definitely see the vision, but I think there are certain aspects of the movement controls that I don't gel with. Control feels pretty non existent, I feel as though I just aim downward to keep my hover and spam the jump button to wall jump my way up the level and parry everything that comes near me. Because the gun is also your jet pack, you have to choose between movement and fighting. its not bad to make that sort of kinesthetic dilemma part of the game's design, but it does make it difficult to balance while allowing the player to retain a sense of control and ability to influence their character on screen

mostly, as a player i just felt like I was along for the ride, rather than driving, if that makes sense.

but it could also be that i'm just bad at it lmao

hehehehe we got a return customer!

thanks so much for playing and giving the feedback, it helps me out a ton! next update will have dash attacks, improved ui, and more functional menus

the key at the beginning is not essential for progress, it just unlocks a door to a test chamber at the end of the demo where you can fight enemies and play with power baubles and modules. its a scene where I do a lot debugging and testing. but if you made it into the mines you've been through everything so far.

Oh my god! thank you so much for playing through this and giving such detailed feedback! I appreciate the time you took to do this, and your notes with video will help fix a lot of things!

hey thanks for the feedback and thank you for playing my game. I've been working on tons of fixes and improvements based on what i've heard from this jam. mouse sensitivity and smoothing can be controlled through the settings now, and that will be in the next update for sure

(1 edit)

Hey thank you so much for the feedback and the suggestions! I hadn't seen a lot of those issues yet, so this will help me fix a lot of stuff.

I think a good chunk of those issues are all derived from the scaling problems. If you can, please give it a shot in 16:9 and see if that at least fixes some of the visual, ui, etc. problems

oh my god this game is SICK! keep it up!

the combat feels great. I think the path finding on enemies might need some help, if I drive in a big circle they all get kinda bunched up around the island and can't do anything.

I also like the characters

so glad to hear that you stuck with it and enjoyed our game!

try playing the fixed version, there was a very small bug that prevents the game from running

try playing the fixed version, there was a very small bug that prevents the game from running

try playing the fixed version, there was a very small bug that prevents the game from running