- My worst mistake in this game was the interface. Many testers dont know how to upgrade the skills. I ask help to a designer and i upgrade this in my game jolt version (i dont know if i can upgrade this game here, because the time to submit is over). You can upgrade your skills clicking on "+" button in game over screen.
- If you collect hearts, more upgrades will appers, but the only "item upgrade" i finished was the hp upgrade. This is another mistake, because some testers thinks the hearts will recover the hp.
- Thats a good ideia put how many shots to reaload next to the character, but i didnt do that because this game is on a very low resolution, other mistake. Thats why all the texts are hard to read. My next game i will do in a bigger resolution.
- I try to compose a faster beat music. If i could i would like to compose something like "dark ennio morricon".
- I need to do a better pixel art, but i really like the hellhounds too. The demons and the character i like too.
Thank you very much.