I was good, about equally tactful/defiant, so I agree that the different choices seem very interesting here. In fairness, I didn't think the trial would go that bad until it did, but I was seriously considering throwing that possessive person under the bus, especially since our main partner in chapter 3 didn't seem to think it was a bad idea. The scene after the victim's body is found just felt like they were going off the rails, especially since my character was quite friendly to both of the other characters in that scene. Hell, even the Master suggests as much at the end of the chapter.
I completely agree on the confessor though, especially since they seem close to a certain pair of characters who are both quite stubborn. I could see them deciding to protect the confessor, especially since otherwise suspicion falls on the protag and someone who people really don't want to risk a fight against (as shown by how poorly that goes). But, in terms of accomplices, it also seems very strange that someone, who has otherwise been very stubborn about the demonhearts, is suddenly ignoring the confessor as a demonheart and doesn't even imprison them? I really don't feel like I can rule that third person out because it feels like a sudden lack of vigour from someone not known for it, especially when the confessor doesn't really have an alibi since their companion was sleeping the entire night.