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Rolling Crown

A member registered Dec 06, 2016 · View creator page →

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I was considering an adult patch for this one, but there doesn't seem to be enough interest, and it would complicate the game's age rating. It's already pretty messy that I'm trying to mix murder mystery and romance. Adding adult content to the mix makes my work much more complicated. I'm considering to one day make a nsfw game, but it shouldn't have such a huge story.


If merging doesn't work, in the DLC, you should find the folder dlc_muzzle:

Copy it and paste it into the game's folder, at this location (the root folder won't be named CT_EARLY_ACCESS... but something like demonheart-the-cursed-trial...):

When the game detects it, a checkbox will appear in the settings like this (you'll need to turn it on):

I hope you'll get it to work, and I will try to change the instructions on the game page to clarify.

I'm glad you like it =')

Hi! When you purchase the game in early access, you will get all the upcoming chapters and content as it is released. There won't be a separate purchase for the full version. Thanks for your interest! :)

(2 edits)

Q: Is the demonspawn (Raze/Seer) romanceable?

Raze/Seer is not romanceable in this game, but he is a romantic option in two previous games: Demonheart and Demonheart: Hunters. I encourage you to check those out if you haven't already.

Additionally, there is a variety of Demonheart fanfiction available here. There has also been a nice amount of fanart over the years. Some of it can be found on the games' official Discord, or by searching on Tumblr or Twitter.

Q: Why is "the only attractive character", the demonspawn, not romanceable in The Cursed Trial?

In this game, he serves the role of an antagonist.

I am a human writer and not a content machine - when I force myself to write something I'm not inspired for, it shows. Writing another romance with the demonspawn in this particular game likely wouldn't have met your expectations.

This time, I wanted to explore a drama involving some human/demonheart characters. I hope you'll find the story compelling for what it is.

Q: How dare you put the demonspawn on the game's cover image if he's not a love interest?

Because he looks attractive, and he also makes it easy to recognize this is a game in the Demonheart universe. I hope you will click on him, check out what the game is about, believe the reviews and give it a try. (The game may have more reviews on Steam.)

The description indicates that the love interests are Ran and Kaisar. While you can flirt with the demonspawn, it's not a central part of the story but rather included as fanservice.

The Cursed Trial is a game that needs to be experienced - I can't tell you why it's good. I also can't convince you that you'll end up liking Kaisar, but many players do. Most of them did not expect it based on art alone, but they liked him after playing the first chapter. Your taste may differ, and that's okay. Just remember I am human, and this story is a work that I put my heart and soul into and it couldn't be something else.

While it's in development it really saves my time to update one version only, plus we always had some issues with Mac OS, so I'd leave that for later. I will probably make a Mac version at the end, but I'm considering putting that one on Steam only, since there aren't as many problems when it gets installed automatically from their app.

Currently, there isn't a way to skip text you haven't seen. The game saves data about the lines you've seen in the game's folder -> user/skip.json so if you had old files you could copy that.
I'll consider adding the option to skip everything in the settings.


I'm feeling overwhelmed after the release of the new chapter, and I still haven't written the other ones, so I can't give a clear answer.

A few players have already brought to my attention the MC's crying after Vita's death, and there are already conditions and branches in which she acts differently depending on "VitaApproval" and alignment. Mainly, a Good MC will be the most stressed, as well as an MC that had a good relationship with Vita. Some players like her a lot, so I didn't want to underplay it, I felt like that would be worse. Now, it's very difficult for the "game" (my code) to read a player's mind, so I made it so in order to pass a relationship check, you only need to get around 70% of that character's relationship points. Then the game will "think" you liked Vita. Tactful Evil may be particularly difficult, since the MC could be lying. It's still in early access, so it's something I could take a closer look at. Maybe I'll need to assign some additional variables to some choices to indicate you actually hated Vita and make that a priority. In any case, I wanted the MC to be shocked and at least be scared because she is a demonheart as well, so she could be looking at the death from that perspective - "it could be me."

Some other things, as you said, "things have to happen" for the story to progress and have the intended events and twists. Including meaningful choices that branch the story right away would make my work impossible - if it branches into 16 completely different scenarios, it would take me 16 years to finish. So I intend to leave the most meaningful choices (which will make the MC feel more competent) for the end.

Until I or someone else can troubleshoot this, can you try the older version of the game build - - older version 1.65? It should run on 64 bit as well. Sometimes the new engine is incompatible with someone's hardware, but hopefully at least one build works.

It's always nice to read your honest devlogs. You shed some light on the creative process and remind the audience that you, the author, are a person. :) Which I think is helpful to other devs as well. Although personally, I would find it funny to be called a "yandere writer" xD

Thank you, it's always good to know it was good enough for some players. :') Because it felt like some were expecting me to make another Baldur's Gate on my own. I mean, I would have liked that as well, but... it is what it is. :')

Thank you :)
I'm preparing an update for this game with a new side quest (or maybe it will be unavoidable, we'll see.)

I've been thinking of ways someone could cheat the "test of blood", but not the protagonist, because certain things needed to happen.
As for answers about Raze, I was planning to leave it for later, when more characters die and you don't have anyone to talk to :')

There's no visual tracking of approval other than the notifications that appear when it changes (and they don't always appear because some of it is supposed to be a secret.) Each character so far has different possible values. You can get a lot of negative points with Kaisar, while Ran mostly gets positive shifts. :')

Thank you :)

There are two versions on Steam, please try to go to Properties > Betas and select v165. It seems one version works on some systems and the other one on others.

You don't have to solve it, the game will show you the correct answer later in the same chapter, I think. If you still want the answer, I can write it but I don't know how to mark spoilers :')

Thank you for the feedback :)

Thank you. :) I'm feeling very inspired working on this VN, and I hope it shows.

Making and updating games for other operating systems is really taking a lot of my time, and then one day they stop working and I have to drop everything I'm doing and update them again... There have been so many issues, I've literally cried and regretted publishing on those platforms. So until I finish more of the game content and any bugs are resolved on Windows, I'm putting it away. It will probably be available on Mac OS at least, since we got the signing working and figured some things out (with the help of my husband, because I would go insane from this alone.) But I don't want to make it official, because what if it doesn't work...
I'm waiting for the day when Windows games will just work on everything. =')

Thank you :)
I'm working on the next game in the series, it's not the same protagonist but the same world, so anyway, check out all of my games if you haven't already :')

Thank you for your kind words :')

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Jester / King community · Created a new topic Follow Me :')
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I'm still writing the chapters, so we'll see where it goes. I can't promise anything, that's why I didn't list him as a romance. I don't think he can take any human woman seriously now, as he's older and more mature (or bitter) and he knows they will die on him and he'll end up alone. If I force myself to write something I don't feel like, it's going to show. Also, he is their captor, and having him on the main character's side would break the story. He has someone above him, though, so he might not be torturing the characters because he wants to, and might help a little in some sneaky way.

Hi, I was considering custom skin tone and hair colors for this one, but that would ultimately lead to CG variations too, and would require additional coding and debugging, so I couldn't handle it, since I'm making and funding this on my own :')

Mac and Linux are more like constant issues for us :'(

Thank you for the feedback. I'll have to look more into that issue, it hasn't happened during my testing yet. Would be nice to figure out how to reproduce it.

Hi. We're having some issues with Mac updates for the older games, so until we're able to reliably support them, new releases are on hold

There are guides for achievements and alignments here.
As for the romances, it should be pretty easy to get the one you want.

It's because I live in a country that's not supported by Stripe :'(

Hello, there isn't a wiki, but maybe this guide on Steam can be of some use? Although there aren't achievements for each ending, so they are not all in this guide. You can also ask spoiler questions on Discord:

They are not connected, the android version is free with ads and microtransactions.

Do you have all the game files in the same directory? It should look like this.

On Mac: 

On Windows: 

If this doesn't help, you could try claiming a Steam key and activating the game on there. There's usually no problem with the file system and permissions.

Hello. The saves should be in a "save" folder in the same directory from which you run your game. The achievements should be in "user/game_data.json" along with other data.
Could you check if you still physically have those files on your system (especially the save files) and they're in the same place as the game? I don't know what could be deleting them, the game doesn't try to delete anything. Maybe the operating system is not allowing it to read files for some reason.

Hi, did you keep all the files in the same folder they came in? That could happen if they are separated.
The Steam version usually runs with no problem on Mac, so if problems persist, you can claim a key and activate it there.

The other payment methods don't work in my second-world country, so that's the only option :')

Do you see save slots like this?

I just noticed if I delete the "save" folder, it shows up like this. The game comes with an empty save folder, do you still have it?