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  • Please provide a downloadable version. I hate the web player.
  • Pressing up to jump sucks. Use ZXC.
  • Make jump height variable based on how long you hold the jump button.
  • The character sometimes get caught on the sides of the platforms, but most of the time I can jump through them fine.
  • Instead of left and right canceling each other out, make the last one pressed override the other.
  • Movement feels too slippery when changing directions. It's fine when you just release the movement keys
  • The player's collision box is too wide; you can stand on the edge of a platform with both your feet off the ground.
  • Jumping has no momentum; you immediately lose all forward velocity when you let go of the movement keys.
  • Needs input buffering.
  • The collision for boxes (and everything else) should be disabled immediately when they're destroyed.
  • The player's attack hitbox lingers for too long. The timing on the animation seems a bit off, too. The swing should be faster and it should linger on the last frame for longer.
  • You can get stuck between the bug enemies and the ceiling when dropping down to them.
  • The skeletons' attack hitboxes are bigger than the sprites.
  • Slimes shouldn't collide with other enemies; they cause them to get stuck a lot.
  • After going through the locked door, the player character and a skeleton just fall through the floor and the game softlocks.
(1 edit)

Thanks, this is a great list of issues to fix.   Really appreciate the detailed testing and feedback.

Lots of these are fixed now, thanks again!  It was a huge help.