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(2 edits)

(i played the game whilst i typed this so things might have update messages on them) The game is VERY interesting! I Really do like the backwards music that does still sound pretty good even with it being in reverse.  Though i am going to list my problems with the game and then the good parts aswell (your game is good but has some things i feel you could implament to make it much better!)

  1. There is no tutorial for the Fighting, Now i understood it within the first few fights but maybe going into your first battle there is a tutorial that plays what just goes down the basic values and whatnot.
  2. The cards seem to be a bit unresponsive when it comes to try and drag them onto the attack pile it takes a few attempts to get it to move over. (update: I realise that it isn't that the cards are unresponsive its more because when you have a card clicked there is nothing to tell you, you have that card selected)
  3. I am very impressed at this fighting mechanic though it is very unique and i think with a bit of polish it could go far.
  4.  The health value seems to have no limit as i can keep using and using and using the health cards to make my healthbar MASSIVE and overshadow the demon cat monster now don't know if this is in design or not but if it is then you should find another way to display the enemy's icon doodads so i can see em with this UBER health.
  5. When playing the game i feel a bit directionless I am quite unclear where i am suppose to go or do (though again might be because this is a game jam so take everything i say with a pincha salt)(update: just found the fox area  didnt realise there was more to it other than cats, i feel you need to add an arrow or something or  some text that says "i need to go pick up some batterys! the store is west!"
  6. Seems to be a bug where i physically cannot move any cards for some reason, i can only go to the next turn (update: so i decided just to spam the end game button to see what would happen when i die and the mutant attacked me but then my health went from being nothing to being a little bit and now i cant end the turn again and cant do anything else 
  7. The text in the cutscenes is very slow and without a way to click to make all the text appear at once it is quite tedious, specially when you have to see each cutscene again once you have died
  8. the game can get on a long stretch of just giving you one item (or one type of item) like how i got only sticks one fight and couldn't do much to the cat or how i once got only health items so i couldn't do much in that fight other than take the damage and wait for me to get a stick again.
  9. new point after i had done with this review but i went back into it because i really wanted to kill that fox but it seems to be impossible, after a certain amount of time or cards spent you ONLY get sticks, and once that happens its litreally impossible to win. And with the downside of me having to go ALL the way back there to try it again its very harsh.

The game has great potential but it seems to have quite a lot of bugs or things that were just gone unnoticed (such as the lack of direction or how when you die nothing happens and you have to quit the game) But i did really like the sprites and the unique design of combat and sprites used for characters/ enemy's. I don't want to seem too negative or anything with this review! i see the potential just with a little bit more time i can see this becoming a fantastic game, but for now i feel it is a bit toooo buggy to fully immerse myself in or enjoy the gameplay of. (sorry bout the spelling mistakes)


Thanks for all the great feedback, I didn't have time for much playtesting and had to hope the game magically works when I submitted it. I will try to address some major point's you made

4 - There is in fact no limit to any stats.

5 - Level Design is defiantly one of my weaker points,  I do plan on making that change in another build where I polish a few things up.

6 - My guess is you might've had a card selected without notice, like your second point I do want to add that highlight feature.

7- With how I have the cutscenes set up right now, make the text scroll faster upon input would be impossible, I can make whole cutscene skippable in the next update

8 - It's a hold over for a not fully developed part of the game. Your deck was supposed to resemble your character's slowly withering life, getting weaker as you went on. You initially get a deck size of 20, and getting 5 from enemies, losing cards upon draw. The sticks were there so you had at least something when you ran out of cards. I'll probably just give you cards in a never ending deck so it's playable from start to finish.

And for the ding part, I did fix within an hour of my original upload, although there are still bugs associated with that.

Your review was really useful in helping me know what I need to improve on.