What you say about levers is very relevant to me, and I already thought on it. For that reason, all levers perform changes on the same room (except one of them, which affects a close room). However, it is possible that such change gets unnoticed sometimes. A solution could be to add some kind of visual effect that alerts the player about what changed. I can try to work on that when I find some time.
By the way, I seem to have found my way out of bounds.
you know, there is one room where there is a portal in the bottom left.
you can enter fro the left, meeeting the portal directly.
or come from the top right, falling down, standing in a nook on the right, wait for a platform in the middle to tak you up and float over spikes so you can float down on the left into the portal.
well, took the spike route but while falling down on the left, i stayed as right as possible, so I would not touch the portal but fall right past it.
next rooms were all empty and brown background, so I assume those are the standard "void" of the game, where you shouldnt be :-)
well, just got 2 more coins.
Only that one coin in the water area missing.
I know exactly where it is, just no idea how to get it.
in that coin's room, I have stodd left of the spike pit so many times.
surely I must enter from elsewhere but I dont know how.
Even at the games very beginning, there is no way further right, so I could drop dow from above :-/
Can you spoil me please? :-)
well, now I did find the way to the switch on the right.
now to figure out how to get in there, since getting to that new moving platform might need yet another entrance...
you sure love to make getting that last coin hard :-)
edit: nevermind -.-
now jsut gotta remember, how to fall down in front of the 25 star door. (and not always down the tunnel on the right)
nevermind, found it. the "secret room" that I have run through way more often than I can count.
now, as dumb s it sounds, the literal ending of the game is jsut confusing to me.
how to move around with the golden blocks, when left, right?
I dont see no pattern.
only saw the pleasure block pass by once or twice.
no idea how I am supposed to figure out what weird room looping you used there.
Well, I guess you are right and the ending area is just confusing, and even unfair. This is what happens when you release your first game without any prior feedback (the only people who played the game before were my sons and me).
I've simplified it a bit. The clue is to land over the "almost there" block. Then you can reach the "pleasure" one by going down (from the right side) and left.
I hope you enjoyed the game, despite the bug you found and the sometimes frustrating difficulty. Your feedback was very helpful for me, thank you! :)