Loving the game so far. At this phase it's more of a toy but I see great potential. I had a few thoughts and bugs as I played - I'll share them here. I'm a Windows 10 user with a dedicated gaming PC with mid-high specs.
-Found the UI to be cute and functional, but I wish there were a more complete border or color swap depending on the build state I'm in (zoning, furniture, nudging) so I know which state I have selected.
-Found laying out rooms easy, but re-working their size or adding walls to create two adjoining rooms of the same type felt a little wonky and unintuitive. I wanted to click within an office to create another office, but instead you have to delete one tile and start the new office in a tile which is not already an office.
-I really love the furniture assets in the game and hope that you have plans for modders to add their own objects/designs, or a way to edit or create furniture in the game! I spent my hour with the game thinking of all sorts of specific junk I would decorate with to make each property feel unique. As a dabbling sprite artist I felt inspired and wanted to jump right into making my own little fax machines, lava lamps, and milk crates :)
-Some behaviors with Alt will create ghosts of furniture which are not interactable items.
-Experienced a crash on attempting to load a saved game after quitting to desktop and relaunching game.
-Experienced a crash deleting a road intersected with the start road.
I've been waiting for a game like this forever, so I'll be watching this one closely!