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This is a pretty tough game (and I don’t mean it in a bad way). I never managed to win 😄. With each strategy I have in mind, I always run out of time or I’m unable to balance the square. I like challenging games because I’ll never stop playing until I get to my goal.

It’ll be cool to start with simpler levels so the player gets a hang of things — for example how to balance the square and how to slow time. And then you slowly build up the difficulty.

I like the idea — I’ll keep playing for the next couple of days. I will not give up.

Great job guys and please keep building the game. I’m already a fan.

Look, maybe it's because I'm the developer but I found the game very simple and easy. 😁

but I'm going to modify the difficulty progression to make the game more extensive

Keep trying, you can do it, I believe😅