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A member registered Mar 03, 2022 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

I like the game and I appreciate the instructions. It’s always helpful to teach people how to play the game so kudos on that. 

I would have liked to see some other features in your game. Something that makes it stand out and different. Consider developing it further and play similar games to see what they’re doing differently and what you can add to your game to make it stand out. You could also explore other genres and take bits and pieces from there. 

Well done

I am always excited to see games that sell our culture. I love that we have the Nigerian dialogue and most importantly, the instructions helped me to understand how to play the game. 

I just had an obstacle: 

After reading the instructions, I should be able to start the game immediately. I kept returning to the menu and I couldn’t start. When I played yesterday (6th Dec), I had the same issues but the game started and I was able to move around and interact with the NPCs. But today, I wasn’t able to get past the instructions loop. Unfortunately, I couldn’t play-test further.

Fun and challenging game

  1. Simple instructions would be helpful for players who are not familiar with this genre of game
  2. The ability to pause the game would help me catch my breath
  3. Additions of things like power-ups, different planes, incoming obstacles, and so on will make the game fun

Thank you for your submission and well done

Great game. I love that you included a tutorial and story. It helped me to understand and appreciate the game better. My favorite part would be the menu design. I like it

My suggestion would be - slowly introduce the players to the enemies and bosses. We could use the first level to teach them how to battle and defeat their enemies. And maybe in level 2, they have just 3 waves of enemies.  The idea is to slowly build the tempo. 

Please take a look at “Ancient PlanetAncient Planet”  -- you can get some ideas from their FTUE.

Overall, great job with your game. I enjoyed the story and I like how the story was tailored around the assets used. Kudos

Thank you for your submission and well done with your game. Just some feedback:

  1. There’s no tutorial or instructions so I’m not sure of my objectives
  2. No button to return to the menu from gameplay (I have to close the game and open it again so I can return to the menu)
  3. When I tap on options, it takes me to gameplay

I would love to play an updated version of the game. It’s on to a good start, it just needs more time to be improved. Well done

I enjoyed Quizie and I learned something new. I like the addition of sounds and images. 


  1. It would be great to show what the right answer is
  2. When it showed “Game complete”, the retry text gave me the impression I’d play again. We could use another text like “Return to Menu”, or “Quiz Selection” etc. 

This has the potential to be a fun game for kids and adults alike - consider working on it. Well done

Fun game, I enjoyed running, dodging obstacles, and collecting gems. 

Some feedback:

I would have liked to see some unique additions to your game. Perhaps we could have:

  1. Different types of penguins, each with their skills and abilities
  2. Variety of powers-ups 
  3. Different obstacles and enemies (what are penguins afraid of?)
  4. A variety of environments (each with its own theme and unique enemies)

The game has the potential to morph into something great. A few modifications here and there will make a huge difference. Well done and thank you for your submission

Thank you for your submission and kudos on your game. Just some feedback:

  1. Tutorial and instructions would be useful to help the player understand the game
  2. Although it’s a survival game and you want the player to feel the pressure, at the beginning, it’ll be great to start with a few enemies. Just to help players understand how to fight and use their skills
  3. Objectives and goals will be useful - what do I need to do? what are the requirements for success? And so on.

That aside, well done and I look forward to seeing the reskinned and improved version.

Pretty cool game. I like the UI and  I like that we can change guns and there’s a leaderboard. 

Some notes:

  1. Tutorials would help players know how to control the game. 
  2. The first level was quite tough - lots of enemies and it can be overwhelming. I did not manage to scale through. Some suggestions:
    1. We could start with a few enemies. This will give the player enough time to get used to the controls. Maybe start with one type of enemy and slowly introduce the others
  3. I kept tapping on the bomb button but nothing happened. After a few replays, I realized I had to pick up the bomb. Suggestion: we could have the bomb button disabled when the player doesn’t have any. That way, they don’t tap it expecting BOOOM.
  4. I couldn’t hear any sounds, I think sounds would have been the icing on the cake
  5. Level objectives would be nice - that way I know what the target is.

Overall, you’ve done a great job. I hope you continue working on your game. Well done and thank you for your submission

It’s a fun game, and quite challenging for me. I do not like to cross roads at all so my chicken got crushed a lot.

I like the UI and the game idea. Some notes:

  1. A tutorial would have been nice. Nothing complicated, you could have an image showing how to control the chicken. It took me a few seconds to figure out the controls
  2. Perhaps we could start with a few obstacles in the beginning, just to get the player comfortable with the controls and then we slowly increase the obstacles
  3. Power-ups would be a fun addition (giant chicken that smashes everything, freeze ray to freeze all obstacles for a few seconds, power sneakers to allow the chicken to jump higher, and so on)

Overall, I like it. Well done and keep working on your game

Well done for your submission. 

I had a few issues:

  1. I couldn’t jump well and when I fell, my character did not die. I do not know if this is by design
  2. After the first jump, I could no longer jump again.
  3. I got stuck at the bottom of the screen and I couldn’t make progress
  4. A tutorial would have helped me understand how to play the game, and what my objectives/goals are
  5. A suggestion: introduce enemies later on in the game. Players should get comfortable with the controls first

Thank you for your submission. It’d be great to play an updated version.

I’ve always wanted to learn how to play Snooker and this game gave me an idea of how it works. Unfortunately, it doesn’t fit the game jam theme. Perhaps I missed something — please clarify. Thank you

As a note, it would be fun to incorporate elements of the game jam theme in the game. Maybe balls with special powers or each ball has a personality/skill. The ideas are endless. Please explore the idea more, I have a feeling this could be the beginning of a unique Snooker game.

Thank you for your submission.

I really like the game — I mean, I love cakes. I see myself playing this casually, especially when I need a break from creative work. I like the concept.

I just wished it had more instructions in-game so I’d know how to move things around and what the goal is. It took me a few seconds to figure out how to move pieces and I had to come back to itch.io to read the info about the game. I also couldn’t use the powerups — if they worked, it would have been super-fun.

Overall, I like it. Great job guys and consider developing it further. Well done

I love history so being able to deliver items to historical figures I like is sooo cool. 

The music makes me want to play more. The game has the potential to grow into something amazing. 

I only wish I could collect lives or have checkpoints. It sucks to start over when I’m close to my goal and I fall. 

That aside, great job. Please explore the idea further, I’d love to deliver items to my favorite historical figures 😎

This is a pretty tough game (and I don’t mean it in a bad way). I never managed to win 😄. With each strategy I have in mind, I always run out of time or I’m unable to balance the square. I like challenging games because I’ll never stop playing until I get to my goal.

It’ll be cool to start with simpler levels so the player gets a hang of things — for example how to balance the square and how to slow time. And then you slowly build up the difficulty.

I like the idea — I’ll keep playing for the next couple of days. I will not give up.

Great job guys and please keep building the game. I’m already a fan.

From the story, music, and menu design, you get a feel of the game's theme and I really like that. The controls made it hard to play but I enjoyed the game. It fits the theme. 

Well done Anthony and Favour.

I love the idea behind the game - zombies killing humans. Zombies have their story to tell and I want to hear more.

It would have been nice to have instructions at the beginning of the level, that way the player knows what to do. I did not notice the "information button" at the bottom right of my screen until I had figured the game out. Also, having feedback when the enemies reach your wall would have been helpful. 

I enjoyed tapping and the bullet effects. I see myself playing this game casually (earning points, unlocking rewards, unlocking new zombies, weapon upgrades, and so on). 

I hope you continue working on it. I would love to play an updated version. Well done Kizito and Ysabel

(1 edit)

The Bad

The narrative could have been shorter or maybe we could have had the option to skip or fast-forward it. I also struggled with the controls. After being tricked, I was ready to fight but the controls said "not today". 

The Great

I love the games' graphics and narrative. Being tricked at the beginning made me laugh and I thought it was a great idea - a good way to catch the player off-guard.  Well done Dorothy and David. 

(1 edit)

If we had to hit zombies then it wouldn't be a Diabolical game would it? It took me a while to get the controls right but when I did, I had fun playing the game. I like the music, sound, blood,  color, environment, and screams.

Well done Brian and Dennis. 

Thank you for the feedback. We'll do our best to make you feel safer next time :)

Thank you for the feedback :)

Thank you

Thank you for the feedback. 

As for the theme, we kind of broke it down to:

Time: the farmer is running against time. He has to kill the invading birds before they destroy all his crops

Speed:  the birds move very fast (when you think you've got them, they fly away)

Multiplying: there are lots of birds and once you kill a certain number, they'll respawn again

Towards: the birds moving towards the crops to destroy them.

Basically, this is how we interpreted the theme :)

The only issue I had with the game was I could not control the character. I love the idea and the human screams made me laugh. 

Great job

Clean and polished game. Had fun playing it