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Well shit. From the little I could glance from your video it could be something to do with the new input system I changed to for gamepad support. I'd really appreciate it if you could upload the log and post it here. Oh and you can delete the other folders that aren't Northwood Gameworks, its just old stuff.

Here are the two folders packed in case you want to compare them.

let me know if the link expires before you get it. I hope that helps.

(1 edit)

Thanks I think I can solve it with this.

If you'd like to try though; if you have a gamepad plugged in - try unplugging it and starting. I think there's a newer version than the one you downloaded, it shouldn't fix your issue but you never know...

I do not own a gamepad.

(1 edit)

Yeah its really odd because Unity's input system is getting spammed with events saying that you keep changing between keyboard and joystick.

Anyway, I've uploaded a new version (TheGunIsGood_53-3_LinuxExperimentalCrashfix) that hopefully fixes it. If you try it I would really appreciate if you could upload the log file again, regardless if it crashes or not.

Alright, whatever you have changed, that had fixed it.

I played one run just to quickly test if it works and I was doing quite well. I think I got to 7th room.

here's new log:

The new area type is my favourite. It makes me feel like playing Serious Sam, but I see enemies getting stuck there more than in other areas.

It can take a while for weapons and ammo to fly towards the portal at the end.

Of course I ended up buying to so nasty bullet hell

I am going to record a proper long video for you with feedback. I just wanted you to know the game works now.

Great thanks! And yeah I know they can get stuck a bit on that map and why it happens right now.

I recorded myself play. The video is in this folder

I am still not good at it, but it's fun. I hope the video is going to be useful for at least being able to see how a low skill players plays the game.

Thank you so much for the video, it does help me a lot every time you do it. Also I don't have many that play on Linux so that's great too. I saw a strange bug I haven't seen from anyone before with the bullet casings being all black, something I'll have to look in to.

And well the game is supposed to be hard and have you learn along the way, but it has to be interesting and fun enough to get you to press the Retry button. So it is a balancing act. I think you're overthinking things a bit when playing, you should try to just keeping the fire button held down as long as there are enemies in range sometime hehehe.

You know the dilemma you had with choosing between the Frags and the Quadzooka ties into a problem that I've been ignoring a bit lately - the gun stat screen being pretty bad and I haven't really figured out how I want to change it better. Secondary effects on guns aren't being shown at all right now like the small bullets released by the Frags. Also those guns have very different strengths, for example the best thing about the Frags is that they have a very fast swap speed so you can almost instantly swap to them, toss a grenade, and swap right back to another gun.

Enemies getting stuck on craters is improved for the next version.

I don't think I will have any difficulty options, not that fond of it. But, unlockable characters are planned. With different starting loadouts, active skill (instead of dash), and some base stat differences. I am also looking into changing how the first level works.

Thanks again.

ties into a problem that I've been ignoring a bit lately

I remember when you had no icons and comparing weapons was harder, so you definitely improved that part of the game. I am just not experienced enough to know which stats I should really be looking at. Your explanation for quick swapping makes perfect sense. It is just not something that even crossed my mind.

I was thinking about you adding different characters the other day, although I expected all of them to have dash.

I am also looking into changing how the first level works.

I look forward to testing the game next Demo Day