Things I wanted to add but didn't get around to:
- Audio was the biggest one but like I said above I forgot and by the time I remembered I had 5 minutes left to submit and had to figure out how to export from godot and upload to so oh well.
- A boss fight when you get to a certain amount of points. I had this idea for a boss fight where you'd have to dodge projectiles and stuff, then you'd have the option to keep going (endless mode) or back to main menu but sadly I didn't have time to implement that.
- A decent main menu. I made the main menu last second so it kinda blows, but it actually works! (from my testing hopefully it doesn't break for anyone else)
- A highscore system. If I had like 10 more minutes this probably would've been easy to implement but I was dumb and waited until the last minute.
- Leaderboard. I wanted to add a leaderboard with a score system based on your score attained and how long it took to get there to add a little extrinsic incentive to play better