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A fun little game, albeit a bit difficult. 

I didn't play much but I think I got a good feeling of it. 

The controls are definitely a bit weird but I ended up using WASD. What really felt strange to me was that every single orbit field felt the same.

Ideally, most orbits would be lower gravity, but some of the more dense planets with larger orbits should have stronger gravitational pulls. I don't know if this concept exists in later levels. 

Alternatively, if you wanted to keep it simple, most fields could just have no pull, but you could introduce different colored orbits or whatever that do have gravitational pulls. 

That aside, I think the concept of "skipping" is really rewarding, but some of the cloud "barriers" felt off. It felt like a coinflip when colliding with one if it would send me back in or send me spiraling out. Not sure if intended.

The first comet field area was actually kind of a huge spike in difficulty. If i'm not mistaken those are all just 1-shots? I think it was just a "bonus" stage so that's fine. Took me a couple of tries.

It's good? I think? I'm getting older so I am not as much of a gamer as I used to be, so maybe intended audiences will be more taken with the game. The art is great and there's LOTS of good dopamine-hit stuff like points, gems, etc. Keep at it. 

Hey Storytale, 

Thanks a bunch for trying out my little demo, I made these demo missions particularly difficult as I wanted to make the demo last  a bit longer. In hindsight, I should have probably made things a bit easier.

The plan is to make planet gravities stronger for more dense or bigger planets (which will increase difficulty). But I'm still figuring out the best way to introduce that in. The cloud barriers are mostly there to help newbs, so the plan is too make them appear less as you progress to harder missions. But yes, I definitely need to make skipping opportunities more frequent, I am planning out the missions much better in the next release.

Thanks for playing and giving me your feedback, it really helpful to get perspectives on these various game features/components.