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Congrats on finishing your game!

I really liked those explosion effects and the boss fights! Also some details added a nice depth (ambient lights, this ceiling fan shade - cool!)

What I find worth improving are:
- Game pace. I felt like it was very slow for an action shooter game. I'd like to everything be twice as fast. It is also connected to the corridor sizes - you have quite a long breaks between fights, which makes this game a bit less intense.
- Art consistency - those semi-transparent blood puddles looked much better than gradient ones. Some assets looked like out of place. Also - there was a bit of jittering, especially at wall edges when moving
- Keyboard and mouse controls - I don't have a pad for my PC :)
- Uniqueness - maybe it's my personal preference, but I really enjoy when a game brings something new to the table. This one feels a bit generic (although I'm sure it could stand out after some work  - the mood is good!)

Overall - even if the game is basic, it is complete - with art, gameplay and audio components. Good job!

Thanks! Great tips to keep in mind for next time.