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After reading - many of these kinds of visual novels, this easily ranks among the very top I've read. The characters are interesting and well developed, and the protagonist has depth. I don't usually write these reviews and it's difficult for me to characterize this novel in an "objective" review, because I understand that there are many different kinds of adult visual novels with many different kinds of themes, and people prefer all kinds of different things in these novels.

So, I decided to be subjective in my review, which will also reveal my preferences regarding these kinds of novels. Please understand I recommend this novel for purchase to anyone and everyone who are interested in adult visual novels regardless of any preferences I have.


> The Protagonist is a - good person. This novel does not force the player to chose to be a "bad person" in order to experience the full plot of the story.

> This novel does NOT suffer from the "Giant Boob and Butt Wars" GBBW.... I just made that up, and hope it catches on. Many recent adult visual novels suffer from the "my ridiculous large breasts and butts are bigger than your ridiculously large breasts and butts," war that is happening in comics and visual novels. The breast and butt sizes and shapes here are somewhat different for different characters - just like in real life.

> The story does not shove a bunch of sexual ideas and acts in your face that you may or may not prefer, except for one thing - I don't like, which I won't reference. Sex is part of this novel, but I would say, not the main part of this novel, which I find refreshing. Even though, the sexual aspects of this novel are very exciting and beautiful.

> The story is solid, cohesive and well developed. It's easy to like the good characters in this book and dislike the bad, and to get caught up in their virtual lives. Even though this novel has a lot of story and happenings in it, and took me quite a while to get through it, I was still really bummed when it ended and can't wait for the next installment, which I will gladly buy.

> The characters are absolutely beautiful and if I knew any of these "people" I would want to give them a big hug and thank them for existing in the story. I wish I could be part of this story in real life.

Cons: Please understand that what I say here is completely subjective and is based on - my personal preferences. I understand that my preferences will be contrary to many. But I hope that you can understand at least where I'm coming from, and perhaps that might inform you about the story at least as I see it. Internally, I do not at all disparage anyone for having different preferences than I do.

> Writing - there's too much of it. I'm a big fan of Ernest Hemingway's terse style of writing, and not a big fan of Herman Melville's thick prose. This Novel is thick with verbiage. I have a habit of skipping a lot of the dialog in these kinds of novels because I already know what they are going to say mostly, and regardless, I don't miss much of the story anyway. In this novel I skipped large portions of the dialog and didn't feel like I missed much. I am not into Japanese culture in general, and the possible conventions I see, like overly cutesy complex descriptions of various ... types of beings doesn't reach me emotionally. You'll understand what I mean when I say, I don't like the Lord of the Rings for the same reason. If something can be said coherently in three sentences then I prefer that it not be stretched out into three paragraphs. I'm older and I don't really want to listen to young people, working out their demons, or trying to find the courage to get to the point. I feel like, "come talk to me when you have all that worked out and decide what you're going to do." But... this story, is about many young people who are working things out in their crazy lives, which is wonderful, of course. I'm just older and have already heard that type of stuff many, many, many (many) times. I spend basically zero time thinking about my younger self and it's attempt at "working things out." Even though, and regardless, these younger characters are wonderful.

So there it is. Buy this novel? HELL YES. It's a fantastic work! I love the story, I love the characters, I love the look and very high quality of the renders, and I can't say enough good things about this visual novel.

Many thanks to the developer Vertigo, and congratulations. You hooked me big time. I can't wait for the story to continue.



Thanks a ton for the review! Much appreciated!


Thank you!