Flower's animation is neat. Seeing it blooming and growing bigger and bigger in the center of the screen is satisfying.
I found that the score is too big and distracting, mainly because it's not that important and because it covers a big chunk of the upper screen where I have to keep track of the falling drops. Probably it would be better to keep it at the bottom where you have plenty of empty space.
I was initially confused by the drops because they were too similar and didn't have clear feedback on which was good or bad. Using a different asset would be great, but if it was a matter of time, it would be better to use the color green for the bad one to associate it with acid.
I would also give the player more control by speeding up the character. It would better match the drop's speed and it would make it possible to avoid the bad ones at all. Maybe a sprint with a cooldown would add more agency.