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(1 edit) (+1)

Very promising game and already quite entertaining, albeit a bit on the slow side. I've always thought that first-person perspective is ideal for turn-based RPGs, and this really shows potential. Good job and hopefully you'll keep working on it! BTW, is there any particular reason why you upgraded the Unity version?


Thank you! I'm already working on the next version :). How would you make it less slow, is it the general gameplay or movement speed or completely something else?

The reason I keep upgrading Unity is just for fun, and also sometimes there are updates to for example the lighting system like Forward+ rendering support for URP. I already encountered the eight lights hard limit per scene with Built-in renderer, so I had to change to URP Deferred, and I think I'll try the Forward+ at some point.


I meant the overall pace of the game is a tad slowish. For instance, when backtracking through long empty corridors that end with a single item or enemy in a big room. However this may become a non-issue as you keep adding new features. On the other hand, emptiness definitely has its place in a Lovecraftian adventure, there's just a balance to be met.

Some more QoL would be welcome too, for example reading a note could send you directly to the Journal, or unequipping an item without room in your inventory could simply drop it. Also, you should be able to hold down the virtual Arrows to move continuously. Only some suggestions but really, gameplay is already pretty solid considering it's still in alpha stage!

Some bugs that somehow I can't trigger again: The view got slightly misaligned with the grid after attempting to move diagonally. It corrected itself in the next zone. Also, Sanity was drained in Emma's room, as if it was a dark place. That was just after I loaded the game in said room. And it seems the Sanity topic in the Help section doesn't take into account the last update...

(1 edit) (+1)

Thank you for these findings and suggestions! These are really valuable. I'm doing my best to improve the game :). 

And yeah, I get that long corridor thing, that's purely a level generation issue I need to somehow figure out.

Edit: I was able to fix all three problems mentioned in the last paragraph :).