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Nice story! It is a good setting, but it skipped over all of the things that make it unique enough to be a story worth telling. Not complaining tho, thanks for the input! And I get paid a whole lot more at me job too! so what, we are all here for the funzies.

(3 edits)

Today, it's more about storytelling and less about making it unique.  Seriously, apocalypses, invasions, wars, catastrophes, everything has been milked. you can try to scrap themes that have not been, but in the end you start to understand that there were reasons for that. It might just be plain boring, or it might be pretty dry and you can't really expand on it without a lot of damage to the plot. I guess what I wanted to say was: Bysicle was created a long time ago, just adapt it and use the right materials. And of course make it look pretty. Everybody loves pretty things, even if they are useless.

Do you want a complete script, retsymthenam? I'm not sure if you're objecting to these ideas because they're too high-level and you're looking moreso for unique script/gameplay, or if you genuinely want a totally novel setting and overarching plot. If it's the latter, I think most of that has already been done in terms of common parlance. If it's the former, a High level concept that's been done before (high fantasy, simple middle class day in life, etc.) can incorporate unique elements in gameplay or plotlines that other media (games/books/TV) doesn't have.

Personally, Badmanjack, I liked your plot at a high level. horror + porn can be very enticing when done correctly. Psychological horror (rather than just gore) is perfect for this genre and underdone, imo. Lots of possibility for unique gameplay mechanics, too.

Appreciate the kind word, thank you, I too believe that this is an area that is being unjustifiably ignored)


Thanks for all the comments. I just know I'll soon enough have the time to work on and complete another title, and by the time I arrive there I would want it to
a. be more solid, the previous games like housewife were too buggy.
b. have a unique story / setting. It doesn't have to be extensive, just unique and convincing.

When the time comes, will you give us some spoilers for the new title? ;)

By the way, if I can contribute or help you with anything, even in the slightest, let me know, I will be happy to do so.

quick question are you the one that made the long vacation? if so i cannot find a link to play it.