Yes! Ratti Incantati and Exalted Funeral will start selling them soon. I can also send you a copy if you pay the shipping fees.
Thank you for your support!
Hi Star Knight! First of all, thank you for your kind words! I'm very happy that you're having fun with the game! To answer your questions, fleeing a combat is not a failure and doesn't prevent you from proceeding with the investigation. To sum it up, only a failed attempt at collecting clues puts an end to scene. Mechanically, this is to prevent players to simply roll until they succeed. Thematically, it represents the fact that the heroes are losing ground in their pursuit of the Superbeast, thus forfeiting their chance of stopping them.
Thanks, Headcheese! I'm afraid we're just a bit confused.
We were under the impression that a Luchador cannot make an Investigation Check for a Clue unless he is successful against both the Enemy and whatever Tasks are at the same Location.
Are you saying, instead, that a Luchador can flee combat with an Enemy and still attempt whatever Tasks are at the same location, and if he is successful with said Tasks, he can then make an Investigation Check for a Clue?
Also, can a Luchador make more than one attempt to flee a combat?