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Psycho Headcheese

A member registered Apr 21, 2022 · View creator page →

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Thank you very much, Ewen! The anomalies are what makes the STALKER-verse different from every other so I'm glad my love for them transpired in my game!

You are a STALKER.

An outlaw scavenger who enters the Exclusion Zone to bring back powerful Artifacts.

Between space-time Anomalies, radiation, mutated creatures roaming around, bandits and rival stalkers, Death lurks at every corner.

The only thing that keeps you going is the perspective of an early retirement.


STAL_KORG is a hack of Korg by Caleb Engelke. It is a solo 1d6 TTRPG inspired by S.T.A.L.K.E.R., the METRO series and ROADSIDE PICNIC.

I've seen you've got one in the works at the moment! Awesome! Can't wait to dive in!

Congratulations on your 100th download! 

It's simply there to state that your characters fully heal between episodes and also that a luchador can leave the episode if they're on the verge of being KO'ed.

Yeah, you have to modify your maximum and keep track of the current amount separately.

Hi Star Knight! Thank you again for your support. Here are my answers to your questions: 

1. No. Hero Points reset between episodes. Which means that any leftovers don't carry over. Precisely to avoid having overpowered characters.

2. I let my players choose which skill they want to use between Muscles and Acrobatics. You can add an Asset as long as it makes sense thematically. In fact, just as for a regular attack.

I am aware of this problem. The PDF was updated but you may not have the latest one. Contact me on: 

and I will send you the updated PDF.

Thanks you for your support and have a great holiday!

Awww, thanks! That's great to hear. 

Your method makes a lot of sense! Maybe I feared it would make the game too hard. Does it?

Oh, joy! I LOVE Courier and can't wait to see what you have in store for us!

Yes, you can attempt the tasks and search for clues after fleeing combat. You can also try to run away several times but you suffer damage every time you fail. Hope that answer your questions! 

Hi Star Knight! First of all, thank you for your kind words! I'm very happy that you're having fun with the game! To answer your questions, fleeing a combat is not a failure and doesn't prevent you from proceeding with the investigation. To sum it up, only a failed attempt at collecting clues puts an end to scene. Mechanically, this is to prevent players to simply roll until they succeed. Thematically, it represents the fact that the heroes are losing ground in their pursuit of the Superbeast, thus forfeiting their chance of stopping them.

Thank you! Hope you like it. Don't hesitate to share your feedback!

Yes! Ratti Incantati and Exalted Funeral will start selling them soon. I can also send you a copy if you pay the shipping fees.

Thank you for your support!

I know, I just saw it! It looks awesome. I will share it and use in my own game for sure! Great job!

Hi SantoZombie! Love that handle, by the way! We have a Facebook group:

There will be a streamed session november 18th at 8 PM EST, on this YouTube channel:

I will be running a group of 5 players through a new adventure called Mascara contra Mascara. Come watch and chat with us if you can make it!

And thank you for your support!

Wow! That's a very cool story. I'm glad that I introduced you to solo RPG! It's a whole world to explorer and of course a passion of mine.  :)

The system is different and there is way more stuff. More character classes, more assets, more enemies, more Superbeasts, more prompts, tips on how to run the game as the Referee and the Super Special Move is a team combo called the Royal Rumble.

That's actually a very good idea! I loved Altered Beast.

Yes. I'll add a clarification. TY!

Oh! I'll correct that. Thank you!

It's standalone. The rules have been adapted for solo play and it contains everything you need to play.

LUCHADOR HERO is a solo TTRPG where you put on the mask of a super-powered luchador vigilante. Solving mysteries that no other detective can crack. Fighting criminals, monsters, mutants and evil geniuses to keep your city safe.

This game is a love letter to the Santo and Blue Demon movies, as well as serials like Batman 66, The Venture Bros., Scooby-Doo, Hellboy & the B.P.R.D. comics, The Haunted World of El Superbeasto, etc.

LUCHADOR HERO is psychotronic, psychedelic, action-packed, cheesy, tongue-in-cheek, but most of all fun!

Crime-Fighting Luchadores is a rules-light, fun-heavy Table Top Role-Playing Game that's a love letter to El Santo, Batman '66, Ultraman, Scooby-Doo, The Venture Bros, Hellboy and The Haunted World of El Superbeasto!

Playing as a group of super-powered masked vigilante wrestlers, you will have to investigate the presence of nearby monsters, supervillains and other evil-doers, hunt them down and pin them to the mat... at least until the next episode!

Character creation is lightning fast, allowing you to get in the ring in 10 minutes or less! Pit your lucha libre heroes against classic monsters from your favorite comic books, movies, novels and video games! Don't forget to add a fair dose of psychedelism and a generous serving of cheese on top.

Design your own epic one-shot episodes using the many random tables generators provided in the book as inspiration or play in serial mode, where you can improve your luchadors after memorable victories!

OK, now I have to beat it. Getting on it tomorrow!  :)

Oh! I didn't realize you were the creator of Foaming Mutant and Slipgate Chokepoint! I am a fan of your games. I still have to beat Foaming Mutant, by the way!  Hehehe.

Hi Andrew! Thank you for the feedback. Unseen Ways and myself definitely want to expand Sandworm in the future. A modulable map is among the ideas we are toying with. 

Stay strong, you will beat the worm someday!  ;)

Thanks, John! It's all written. Brian will do the layout soon!

Thanks, Paul! Both of these are gonna happen in the future for sure, just unsure in which order...

Thank you for your support, it's very appreciated! Paul did amazing on the map!

Thanks, brotha!

I want this! Where's the file?

Thank you! Please share your feedback!

Hi! Send me an e-mail to and I'll sort you out. Have a great day!

The Lone Adventurer has made a video review of my One-Page game SANDWORM.

Thank you, Paul, for the review and the gorgeous map!

Thank you so much! Really appreciated!

SANDWORM is my submission to the one-page RPG jam. It's a tribute to TREMORS. Here's the pitch:

You live in the middle of the desert, in a 20-people town called Superior. Not too long ago, pets, horses and cattle started disappearing. Now, even people have gone missing! After some investigation, you discovered that they all fell prey to a giant 30 feet long sandworm! This monstrous creature seems to strike mainly during daytime and is attracted to vibrations at ground level. With these facts in hand, you came up with a plan to get rid of the damned thing: put a noisy device next to a stack of lit dynamite sticks to bait the sandworm in a remote spot, far from Superior. Then, quickly get away and pray to heavens that the crawler snacks on your dynamite and gets blown to smithereens

Hexmap by Ways Unseen

PDF includes B&W version, color version and character sheet.