could add magic for the mc to use it would be cool and you allow people to choose since it wont change the story whatsoever it will just change how you fight
yeah that is true but i was kind of thinking about that for a later arc because so far combat is easy except for one fight if you didn't get that weapon and i hope there will be more stats an i have a great idea for the quest for previous level if u gained enough money you can buy a way to auto-finish them i mean for collect and hunting if u make the the objects useable once a day so people can skip the missions
I plan to add different types of missions to the Guild quests, to give players more to do outside of just battles.
Some missions will be fights, but I have some ideas to add story/sexual quests the player can do if they choose.
Mainly because the quests are kind of meant to be just side content, and I don't want players doing the exact same fight over and over.