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(3 edits) (+2)

I feel that this is 100% valid criticism in the games current state. 

Cutscenes that don't seem to be implemented in the game used into marketing material, promises of things you can experience, but not currently implemented in the game. Even if you are straightforward in backchannels, you shouldn't be representing it as the state of the game on the page where customers are actually purchasing it. If you are being transparent, add the details described to the games description ^ up there.

I also think that this game can be quality and successful, but I think in the current state it's in, you are presenting a bait and switch.


Yeah this is all fair. I'll update the main page with a roadmap to people can see what's coming and what's already built. That should clear up any confusion.


Awesome to hear it. I appreciate you being understanding and polite about this too. I know how easy it can be to feel like people are attacking you with criticism when it's anonymous users. Keep up the good work.

I absolutely agree. Especially since I'm well aware that my initial comment was rather provocative and potentially aggravating 😅

It's all good. Feedback is important for all aspects of the process, not just development.