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and then its still just a porn parody of a fantasy world made by some bloke
well thought out fantasy is still fantasy, and parody is still parody

also he didnt say his plot was about the OT, just the scriptures you pointed out were
"The "Christian scriptures" that you point out aren't really that - they are from the Old Testament"
"....and which is also why all these mentions of religion that you bring up are excerpts from the Old Testament that, again, really do focus on some of its most gruesome aspects."

he told you twice

also a quick google shows not only jk rowling is christian but theres plenty of christianity in her books
"Rowling said she intentionally incorporated Christian themes"

“They’re very British books, so on a very practical note Harry was going to find biblical quotations on tombstones, [but] I think those two particular quotations he finds on the tombstones at Godric’s Hollow, they sum up — they almost epitomize the whole series.”

Of course, the quotations to which she’s referring are:

“Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.” (Matthew 6:19)
The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death.” (1 Corinthians 15:26)

Yes, he did say that his plot is about wizards who worship the god Yahweh from the Old Testament and maybe the scriptures he spread out all around his Hogwarts are indeed not christian because they are from the Old Testament before the Roman Empire rewrote it into the New Testament however he did spread CHRISTIAN symbols such as roman crosses, a christian chapel, a christian priest, and that cursed chapel chore EVERYWHERE, these are definitely christian even if the scriptures are from the original jewish religion before the Roman Empire rewrote it and turned it into roman christianism.

Maybe J.K.Rowling is indeed christian, which is to be expected from such a puritan woman who invents a closed hidden world who lives in margin of the rest of the world like a sect, I stopped respecting J.K.Rowling many years ago already so I don't care what she is nor what she wants because she sold her creation to Hollywood and didn't give a shit what Hollywood made of it as long as she was paid a lot of money, however some biblical quotations on tombstones don't make her books some christian books and when I play a porn game to experience sexy life in Hogwarts, I certainly don't want to see religious symbolism everywhere, listen to teachers and students turned missionaries who preach some religious bullshit, be lectured by a priest, and hear chapel chore everywhere because Hogwarts is not a church, it's a witchcraft and wizardry school, it is not supposed to overflow with religion, that's not what Hogwarts is supposed to be even if J.K.Rowling is christian, she didn't design Hogwarts as a religious school so if he does want to make a religious school then he makes his own and doesn't bait players with a popular school which is NOT religious and turn it into a place of religious proselytism.

THAT's what really grinds my gears: his cowardly unassumed hypocrite proselytism that he doesn't even acknowledges even though it is obvious.

The chapel is one, single room with one, single quest in it. That's it. The choir music is in that one, single room, and during one single other quest with Hermione. Then there is the one, small mention where the bad guys are shown to be Baal / Yahweh worshippers (so pretty sacrilegious for one, and not even entirely Old Testament). Finally there is the conversation between Hermione and Ron, which has nothing at all to do with religion, but which we can pretend for a moment that it does. That is absolutely it. That's the end of any """christian"""-inspired elements then. There is still 99% of the game that has nothing at all to do with religion. If I were proselytising, I should probably burn in hell for being so fucking useless at it.

Anyway, I again seriously encourage you to get help. I cannot be the first one in your life to tell you this, and I didn't appreciate your earlier sentiment that I'm only telling you to neuter you or whatever. However, if you are really not going to, I guess I can also look forward to you exposing me as a pagan proselytiser who's just making this game to shill paganism, when the gamestory soon starts on its Arthurian inspired parts

First of all, I want to let you know that I at least appreciate your humor. 😏

When I first discovered the chapel, I chose to ignore it, I didn't even want to explore inside because I knew it was misplaced in Hogwarts and I kept exploring Hogwarts without paying attention to the chapel and the story could have ended there if  you didn't make a nurse send me on an errand to the priest, which pissed me off because not only did you inserted a fucking chapel in Hogwarts where it is misplaced but you pushed to make a NPC specifically send me inside as if to force me to enter into it if I didn't enter on my own free will and THAT really pissed me off, especially since the innocent quest to deliver a package to the priest and get out turned out into a forced religious dialogue with him which made my skin crawl because of how little logical it was, which is to be expected from a religious character since the definition of religious is to rely on faith because of lack of logic.

Oh hell no, I remember that I had to hear that annoying chapel choir in at least 3 other places outside of the chapel, the one which got the most on my nerves was at the lake party because it completely ruined the mood for students party and if you think a chapel choir is a suitable music for a students party then you definitely studied into a christian school where you were so bored that you started playing porn games. 😏

Okay well it seems that you don't actually know the history of religions then I'll have to explain as best as I can, please bear with me. 😅

The very first Bible which ever existed is the original jewish Bible named the Torah which was written by copyists from the Kingdom of Judah who were refugees inside the mesopotamian city of Babylon after the kingdom of Judah was destroyed in 587 B.C., once at Babylon, they copied the mesopotamian mythology but since they were monotheist, they replaced all of the mesopotamian gods and goddesses by their own only god Yahweh and that's how they wrote the original jewish Bible named Torah whose all stories told were already told in mesopotamian mythology but in a different version since the jewish copyists adapted the mesopotamian mythology to conform it to their own religion.

The history of religions is a history of copies from each other and adaptations to each culture who copied them and we are barely getting started. 😏

Every Bible tells the story of Adam (which means "humankind" in hebrew) & Eve (which means "life giver" in hebrew because according to jewish religion, women have no other purpose than to give life 😒) as the very first man and the very first woman (I won't bother to talk about Lilith because there is already much to tell without adding even more. 😓) created by Yahweh/Deus/God who forbids them to acquire knowledge (because actual knowledge destroys ignorant faith) but a snake (who is unnamed in the original version but named Lucifer which means "light bringer" in latin in the roman version) attempts to convince Adam to disobey Yahweh and acquire knowledge, which Adam, as a good sheep, refuses, therefore the snake attempts to convince Eve who accepts knowledge and shares it with Adam, which infuriates Yahweh because humans acquired knowledge and lost faith in him, which Adam blames on Eve who blames on the snake and Yahweh bans all of them from his perfect Garden of Eden.

This story was already told centuries before the first jewish Bible in the greek mythology as the myth of Prometheus the Fire Bringer Titan who brought the knowledge of making fire to humankind which started human civilization and was harshly punished by the king of gods Zeus because faith relies on ignorance and therefore actual knowledge brings the end of faith, that's why Prometheus is the hero of humankind who releases humankind through knowledge from divine tyranny who relies on ignorance and this myth was centuries later adapted by the Roman Empire as Lucifer the Light Bringer while keeping the story from the jewish Bible.

Then every Bible tells the story of Noah (which means "spared" in hebrew) as the new first man after Yahweh exterminated all of Adam & Eve's humankind sparing only Noah's family that he selected to reset humankind, he warned Noah of his decision to reset the world and ordered him to build an Ark to save his family along with a couple of every land animal specie before he drowned the whole world under a Flood of 40 days of unstopping rain then he granted all animals and all plants as food to Noah's family and ordered them to multiply and fill the world, which justifies human domination over the natural world by the will of Yahweh and which makes both Yahweh and Noah's family the enemies of all ecologists. 😏

As every stories told by the Bible, the story of Noah's Ark and the Flood, which is the story of the world reset by divine will and the chosen humans to restart humankind, was already told albeit a different version centuries before the first Bible in mesopotamian mythology, it is part of the Epic of Atrahasis which was written in the XVII century B.C., that is one thousand years before the first Bible, then it was already copied and adapted in greek mythology as Deucalion, the son of Prometheus, & Pyrrha, his cousin and wife, that Zeus selected to spare when he decided to reset humankind in a Flood so you see? No Bible tells any original story, not even the Torah which was the first original jewish Bible (The Old Testament), all of their stories are merely adaptations from much older stories, especially the mesopotamian mythology which long predated judaism from which are based every Bible, even the Quran but we are not there yet. 😉

After Noah the enemy of ecology, every Bible tells the story of Abraham (which means "father of nations" in hebrew) the enemy of feminism, here we go. 😏Abraham is the Biblical character that I despise the most because he is the Patriarch, the man who, according to the Torah, invented the jewish patriarchal monotheist religion which replaced the previous jewish polytheist religion of multiple gods and goddesses who shared power by a new religion of a only patriarchal god Yahweh who shares power with no one and especially not woman and established patriarchy in jewish society with the approval of Yahweh around 4 000 years ago. Abrahamism is the trunk of the monotheist patriarchal tree whose judaism, christianism and islam are branches and I would love to burn this whole tree to the ground if only to abolish patriarchy because this tree is religious justification of patriarchy by the will of an only tyrannical patriarchal god who favors men and enslaves women and all patriarchal societies who justify themselves by a patriarchal monotheist religion are abrahamic, which makes Abraham the enemy of all feminists. The story of Abraham starts with him marrying his half-sister who is infertile then trading her to the Pharaoh of Egypt for favors: "On the road to Egypt, Abraham asks to Saraï to claim that she is only his sister and to not tell that she is also his wife because he thinks he will be murdered if he presents himself as the husband of such a beautiful woman whereas being the brother of such a beautiful woman will grant him favors. Once they arrive in Egypt, the Pharaoh takes Saraï as his woman to his Palace and Abraham gets many gifts." and trading his wife for favors is only the start of Abraham's story, all of his disgusting story is made of men dominations and women submissions all approved by the only patriarchal god Yahweh, which makes me sick and want to annihilate his religion! 😣 This is why I will enjoy kicking abrahamic wizards' asses in your game and I hope there will be many witches with me to show to those worshipers of the only patriarchal god Yahweh what women are really capable of beside giving life! 😉

After the Biblical character that I dislike the most, the Biblical character that I appreciate the most (and not only me, he is everyone's favorite!), the most epic hero of the Bible, is of course Moses, the original Messiah (which means "Savior" in hebrew) of the original jewish Bible who freed his hebrew (as in descendant from Abraham) people from Pharaonic Egyptian slavery by unleashing Yahweh's psychopathic wrath on Egypt in Exodus. 😏 Indeed, every Bible tells the story of the unnamed Pharaoh who decided to murder all male babies from his hebrew slaves in order to regulate hebrew demography, of the hebrew slave woman who abandoned her baby son inside a wicker basket on the Nile where he was retrieved and adopted by the Pharaoh's daughter who named him Moses which means "saved from water" in egyptian, therefore he was a son of hebrew slave who was raised as an Egyptian Prince until he discovered his hebrew origins and lead the exodus of his hebrew people out of Egyptian slavery to the hebrew original land of Canaan that Yahweh had offered to Abraham and his descendants, the Hebrews, whose Jacob, one of Abraham's grand-sons, had renamed himself as Israel and had renamed Canaan as the Land of Israel, where once arrived, Yahweh gave Moses the stone tablets of the Ten Commandments as core religious, cultural and social rules of the hebrew/jewish people and dictated him the writing of the Torah which is the very first Bible which started judaism based on abrahamism 3 200 years ago, that is one thousand years after Abraham. What I find interesting about Moses' story is that Yahweh is the god only of the hebrew people and not of all of humankind and especially not of the egyptian people who is his enemy on who he mercilessly unleashes a series of cataclysms, the worst of all being that he personally murdered all egyptian first sons exactly the same as the Pharaoh who had ordered the murder of all hebrew male babies, which implies that Yahweh is no different from the Pharaoh, he is just as psychopathic as a mere human ruler, which belies his so-called divine superiority and which contradicts the story of the universal only patriarchal god of all of humankind since the Exodus reveals him as the nationalist god of only the hebrew people and not of all human peoples and definitely not of the egyptian people, which demonstrates that Yahweh was invented as a religious justification of jewish nationalist ambitions, and the Exodus is the same in all of the original jewish Bible named Torah's adaptations, being christian Bible or muslim Quran, that is why I enjoy Moses' story so much, because it hammers the final nail on the coffin of the Bible's credibility to bury it forever and be done with it once and for all. 😏

About Moses in the Quran, he is actually the most important character of the book in which he is named Moussa and is called the Kalim Allah which means "the one who conversed directly with God" because he is the most omnipresent character in the Quran unlike Muhammad who wrote the Quran while being careful to not include himself too much into it in order to not make it obvious that it is his own will that he wrote and not the will of any god. According to the Quran, Moussa is one of Allah's prophets and a prophet of islam (which is illogical because it is Muhammad who invented islam which didn't exist at the time of Moses!) who received the Torah from God and who prophetized his successor Muhammad (even though Muhammad isn't mentioned anywhere in the Torah written by Moses 😏) , that is important because Muhammad justified his own status as a prophet of God by claiming a link with Moses the most popular prophet of God in Middle-East at his time because the Imperial Roman made Jesus Christ has never been popular in Middle-East, and as opposite to the impression made by the fanatical muslims who worship Muhammad as if he was God himself, the Quran actually pays more attention to Moussa (Moses) that he recognizes as a prophet of Allah and of islam and which recognizes the Torah as the will of Allah as much as the Quran.

And that's it for the Torah which is the very first version of the Bible, the original jewish Bible, from which all Bibles of all abrahamic religions including judaism, christianism and islam are based on therefore if you prove that the Torah is wrong then you prove that all stories based on it are inherently wrong and the whole abrahamic tree collapses, which is what I already just did and am now going to finish it off for good because archeological researches have already revealed in Syria an ancient eastern mediterranean city named Ougarit dated from 6 000 B.C. which was under Egyptian domination from 1 800 B.C. to 1 400 B.C. from where the hebrew people is actually from until they moved out from their city and spread all around Ougarit in 1 200 B.C.  Ougarit's inhabitants were, as everyone were at this time, polytheists, they worshiped many gods and goddesses whose the main god was El who was the creator of humankind and the main goddess was Asherah who was El's wife and Yahweh was actually merely one of El's 60 divine children, he was the god of seas and rivers and was in conflict with another of El's 60 divine children, his brother Baal the god of thunder. Then Ougarit's inhabitants moved out from their city and spread all around while establishing tribes whose each tribe worshiped their own god or goddess from the many gods and goddesses of Ougarit until the Israel's tribe who worshiped Yahweh eventually conquered all other tribes and claimed that Yahweh was the god of everything because he conquered all gods and goddesses and he was especially the god of conquest and of thunder to humiliate his rival Baal by claiming his title as god of thunder and they claimed that Yahweh is a jealous god who forbids to worship any other god or goddess other than himself however it took 500 years to reach this outcome and from 1 200 B.C. to 722 B.C., the hebrew tribes remained polytheist as they were in Ougarit, that is until the Israel tribe became the Kingdom of Israel and started rejecting other gods and goddesses other than their own god Yahweh because they considered their own god as the most important of all gods the same way they considered themselves as the most important of all nations and therefore Yahweh couldn't be a mere divine child as Israel couldn't be a vassal state so they replaced El with Yahweh and Asherah became Yahweh's wife instead of El's wife and the Kingdom of Israel started worshiping Yahweh & Asherah until the Kingdom of Israel was conquered by the Assyrian Empire in 722 B.C. and its people fled into the under-developed Kingdom of Judah that they converted to Yahvehism until the capital city Jerusalem's polytheist Temple eventually became Yahweh's Palace where Yahweh ruled over all gods and goddesses until the Temple eventually became monotheist and all of its gods and goddesses were identified as Yahweh, thus Yahweh became all gods and goddesses, Yahweh became the ONLY national god, then the Kingdom of Judah was also conquered by the Babylonian Empire in 587 B.C. during the Egyptian invasion of mediterranean east and the resulting war between the Egyptian Empire and the most powerful mesopotamian Babylonian Empire who had already kicked the Assyrian Empire out of Mesopotamia which caused the Assyrian Empire to collapse within 10 years and the Egyptian Empire to volunteer to take its place. 😏So after the Babylonian Empire destroyed the Assyrian Empire, the Egyptian Empire started invading Middle-East, conquered the Kingdom of Judah and murdered its King Josiah then in 605 B.C. the Egyptian Pharaoh Necho II battled the Babylonian King Nebuchadnezzar II at the Battle of Carchemish and was defeated so he retreated to Egypt and the Kingdom of Judah switched to Babylonian domination as a vassal state of the Babylonian Empire but Babylon didn't intervene much into Judah's business who remained a relatively autonomous Kingdom until the Babylonian invasion of Egypt failed in 601-600 B.C. which empowered the Egyptian Empire who forbade the Kingdom of Judah to keep paying a tribute to Babylon, which caused Nebuchadnezzar II to invade the Kingdom of Judah in 598 B.C. as punishment for siding with Egypt until the Babylonian Empire conquered the capital city Jerusalem in 597 B.C. and the King Jeconiah surrendered, then the Babylonian Empire moved part of Judah's elite, including Jeconiah that they replaced with his uncle Zedekiah as the new King of Judah, to Babylon in order to weaken this untrustworthy vassal state but the Egyptian Empire under the rule of Necho II's son Psamtik II pursued their campaign of domination in Middle-East by influencing people to revolt against the Babylonian Empire and the judeans were divided between the Babylonian judeans loyal to Babylon and the Judah's judeans pro-Egypt who believed that Jerusalem wouldn't fall because it is Yahweh's city (even though it already fell before 😏) and in 589 B.C., Zedekiah allies with the Egyptian Empire against the Babylonian Empire and for Nebuchadnezzar II, that did it, he had enough of Judah's treacheries, and in 588 B.C., he invaded the Kingdom of Judah again, and the Babylonian Empire conquered the capital city Jerusalem in 587 B.C. after having defeated the Egyptian Empire who intervened to rescue Jerusalem only to fail against the Babylonian Empire and retreat again which prompted Jerusalem to surrender again, but this time Nebuchadnezzar II completely destroyed Jerusalem because he had enough of Judah's treacheries and was no more willing to be forgiving but still left the rest of Judah relatively untouched as he targeted mainly only Jerusalem however the end of Jerusalem was the end of the Kingdom of Judah which became a Babylonian province and its elite moved into the imperial capital city Babylon where they copied mesopotamian mythology that they adapted to their own culture by attributing the stories of all mesopotamian gods and goddesses to their own national only god Yahweh and by turning all mesopotamian mythical characters into hebrew mythical characters and that's how they wrote the Torah which started judaism based on abrahamism and the Hebrews became the Jews as opposite to what the Torah itself claimed it was written by Moses under Yahweh's dictation after the hebrew Exodus from the Egyptian Empire in 1 200 B.C., that is 613 years before it was ACTUALLY written by refugee judean copyists in Babylon after their Kingdom of Judah was destroyed in 587 B.C., moreover the Torah tells stories which took place centuries and thousands of years before it was written, which makes it completely unreliable as a history book but an interesting fictional novel based on judean culture. 😉

As I already said, the Torah is the very first Bible which ever existed, it is the original jewish Bible that the Imperial Roman christian Bible included as "The Old Testament" then continued the story in "The New Testament" which is their very own fictional novel sequel adapted to their own needs based on Imperial Roman culture then Muhammad adapted the Imperial Roman christian Bible and added his very own fictional novel sequel that he named the Quran to fit his own culture and ambitions and that's the history of Bibles which, as the history of religions of the world, is a history of copies from each other and adaptations to each culture who copied them. 😉

And as I also already said, since the Torah is the base of every Bible, then proving the Torah wrong inherently proves every Bible wrong and the more archeological discoveries are made and the more the Torah is proven wrong and even new historians from Israel compare the Bible to a house of cards which is completely collapsing the more scientific researches and actual knowledge progress and the authors of these fictional novels were aware of it and expected it, that's why they always treated knowledge as the mortal enemy of faith. 😉

I didn't explain the history of christianism and islam yet as I focused on the history of judaism which is the original base of all abrahamic religions however I already explained enough to answer to your claims so here I come.

As far as current knowledge goes to the ancient city Ougarit, Baal and Yahweh were among El's 60 divine children and they were rival, Baal was the god of thunder while Yahweh was the god of seas and rivers, until Ougarit's inhabitants moved out of their city and established many tribes whose each tribe worshiped one god or goddess from Ougarit over the others while remaining polytheist as they were in Ougarit until Israel's tribe who worshiped Yahweh conquered all other tribes and established the Kingdom of Israel whose their own national god became all gods and goddesses and the national only god until the Assyrian Empire destroyed the Kingdom of Israel and its people fled into the under-developed Kingdom of Judah that they progressively converted to their own foreign culture until the Babylonian Empire destroyed the Assyrian Empire and the Egyptian Empire saw an overture to invade the region left vulnerable after the elimination of the rival Assyrian Empire and they underestimated the Babylonian Empire so they started their invasion with the Kingdom of Judah that they easily conquered and pushed further north until they clashed with the Babylonian Empire who defeated them and they retreated to Egypt whereas the Kingdom of Judah... wait, why am I repeating the same history again? Sorry, I got carried away, I only wanted to state that Baal and Yahweh were rival gods children of El until Israel's tribe who worshiped Yahweh assimilated all gods and goddesses as their own national only god Yahweh and that Yahweh is the original god of the original Bible and therefore it is not sacrilegious for a christian to talk about Yahweh and the Torah because the Torah IS the original Old Testament and Yahweh is basically the hebrew name of God like Deus is the latin name of God like Allah is the arabic name of God which is the english name of Yahweh/Deus/Dieu/Dios/Got/Allah/Kami, the difference is only in languages like water in english is wasser in german and eau in french and aqua in latin and mizu in japanese, simple as that. 😉

And oh please, how long will it take you to figure out that you can't bullshit me? 😒 Tell you what, I'll bite and play your own game by asking you what were your intentions when you invented a potion whose only purpose is that the recipe is so absurd and illogical that it is impossible to understand and requires to follow the instructions to prepare it without understanding it and when you made Severus Snape of all teachers you chose the most cynical one, task his students with the preparation of this potion and when you made Hermione trying hard to understand the recipe and when you made our character suggest that the point of this task is to learn to believe in illogical impossible things and to have faith even without understanding if none of that is relevant to religion then I can't wait to hear your explanation because this whole process screams "RELIGIOUS PROSELYTISM" to my mind because the finality of this whole grotesque masquerade is to dissuade rational thinking and teach blissful ignorance of faith and if I have to use screenshots of the dialogue to prove my point then I will so what will it be? 😠

My theory is that you grew up inside a christian environment which brainwashed you and that you can't create anything without filling it with religion because your mind is filled with religion, how about that?

The point of your game is to include sexuality into Hogwarts as in porn and yet you cut every porn scene short as if you forbade yourself to actually make porn, two nurses start to become intimate with me while I am in bed at the infirmary then black screen which tells me that we had lots of fun together and that's it, I didn't get to actually see anything that we did, which is the point of porn, is it not? Then three naked girls invite me into their room and the door closes and I am told that we had lots of fun together but I didn't get to actually see any of it again, your porn is a joke, you censor yourself, you don't show anything, you don't actually make porn, you merely suggest porn and you expect players who download your game because it promises porn and they want porn but get only suggestions of porn to be satisfied? 🤨 If I have to explain the history of christianism which will cause the complete collapse of its credibility like I already did with judaism which is the base of christianism (and therefore I already caused the collapse of christianism's credibility since its base already collapsed 😉) to free your mind from your christian brainwashing and convince you that sexuality is not a crime as long as it is not harmful for you to finally dare to actually make porn where you show everything from beginning to end like Prometheus the Fire Bringer Titan/Lucifer the Light Bringer snake freed humankind from ignorant faith's tyranny by bringing them actual knowledge which allowed them to evolve then I will do it so what will it be? 😏😉

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Hey, the words and the attempt to reason with him are appreciated, thanks man. That said, I think Maxime genuinely is mentally ill and that you probably won't get anywhere with him. It's for shame that he doesn't get the help he needs (and does deserve) but that's how it goes

That's why he was more convincing than you, because he reasoned with me as you rightly said and even showed me proofs that J.K.Rowling is christian, he did the exact opposite of what you suggest to do in your proselyting game, he thought logically instead of answering with blind faith and you appreciated him for that then take example on him. 😉

How easy and cowardly it is to consider my disagreement with you as a mental illness and be done with it, you are pathetic because you are weak-minded and find excuses to run away from confrontations when you are losing, claiming that you are schizophrenic and therefore I have to be too because you recognize your symptoms in me in order to discredit me, that is a pathetic defense tactic which I will not let slide.

How can you claim that my mind is broken when I am so logical and sound that it hurts your faith? 😏

Moreover, you make claims about me without any base to do it, like when you claim that "it's a shame that I don't get the help I need (and do deserve)", how could you possibly know if I do or do not have psychological help without knowing anything at all about my life?!? See? Such baseless claims are evidences that your expressed concern for my well-being is hypocrite bullshit because you don't actually care if I have psychological help or not, you don't even want to know, you only attempt to stick a medical condition on me to discredit me because you are unable to defend against my logic since I am too logical for you. 😏

Moreover, I am clearly winning against you since you can't prove me wrong therefore I don't think I am the one who needs help. 😏