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If it does a little smoke, it means the potion failed.
However, the fact it gives you water is... really weird.
Water is not a craft receipe.

If you can reproduce the problem and tell me the step, that would be a lot of help ! Thanks !

This only happens on correct receipes. No clue how to replicate, but I have a save that if you go and craft morning wish will give you water 100% of the time, not sure what has caused it though. The items I have seen be given instead of a potion are nettle, water, Guareve powder, and vulpine. So it might have something to do with items that were recently gained?

Vulpine too ?!?!
Hm... I wonder if it's not just the text box bugging out and not the actual given item.
That textbox is indeed programmed to show the last item gained.

If possible, could you sent me that save file too ? (Via twitter, discord, how you wish)

I will try to send it through discord, just need to your discord username because the one on your furaffinty page is incorrect due to the discord name change sillyness.

That would be LackeDragon as everywhere else :)