Something is up with how the game tracks things, as i got NORMAL ending, then restarted from beginning and got war ending, but Sbeve from the NORMAL ending is still there talking the NORMAL ending events.
Recent community posts
Can also say when working on game, income drops to 100. When Believability and Narrative where exactly equal with TV, the game softlocks. Could only find one friend before the soft lock. While working at company post game release, i noticed i could use chance points, but nothing happened when I did so. I could not find any way to get any stories for radio except friend. Could not find any way to use any items from the toy shop except for the wearables. For some you can keep increasing friend bond even when the xp bar is gone, got it to level 8 before the softlock.
4.3 problems:
My NG+ xp crystals got deleted somewhere. I noticed after doing mouse, I had only done mouse and rabbit areas by then.
I can't find the NPC for bigger assets quest despite checking day and night, and the quest location is marked as town of Amea instead of Anemia.
Salamander SP is a bit buggy. The skills that use it will not on the first turn of combat, unless triggered by Dragon Vein, which is annoying because the special item for Salamander starts you with 3. Except it doesn't grant you 3 when doing bosses in infinite dungeon for some reason?
Game will not let you dive in tower despite having monster fish form unless you are actively in it.
Is there meant to be a flower bud in the void of the bunny cave, near boss door?
Sent trail by farm goes north, then goes north by bridge, but i can't find anything after that despite searching whole map.
door to the room with credits scene only appears to check for base transformations? At the very least not all of them.
Play Invitation (gold retriever) triggered supplemental attacks and flurry despite being a debuff.
Full auto with golden retriever has the skills triggered not give playfulness for some reason.
A child in (PAST)Castle seems to have dialogue as if blocking north plains.
I didn't enter the cave split up, but I did spilt up to enter into the area with the chest, as Jupa is the only one who can crouch. To note is that Poppin was exactly where I left him horizontally, he was just transposed vertically to the top somehow. I Jumped down to the area in the screenshot to get a better image. Also he was off screen when whatever sent him to the top happened.
Chickens are super buggy for some reason? it only seems to be chickens, but job woun't accept any chicken-morph despite having correct traits, and sometimes when admistering chicken surum all stats for the subject gets replaced by NULL, and observing a null subject will set reaserch to NULL, which is a bit of a problom.
This only happens on correct receipes. No clue how to replicate, but I have a save that if you go and craft morning wish will give you water 100% of the time, not sure what has caused it though. The items I have seen be given instead of a potion are nettle, water, Guareve powder, and vulpine. So it might have something to do with items that were recently gained?
You pick up xp shards at a higher rate the more your play. 500 of both weak and faint xp shards. This is after using hundreds leveling different forms. This might be a difference in difficulty though, as i am playing on normal mode.
Party members disappear the second you get a new form until you finish the form specials mission. Something should probably be added to tell you about it though.
Some ultimates are definitely better then others, that is true. My experience is that ultimate can range from good to absolutely terrible. A factor in ultimates not being great is the the skill leveling system, you use skills more so they level up more then ultimates which you use rarely. At low level I would say at low level ulimates are better then skills, but as skills level up, the ultimates become worse just because they don't level up as much do to how rarely they are used. This makes me unsure how good ultimates are if you use them move, as a level one ultimate does not compare to a level 15 attack skill. Maybe other people just use them more and so it just works out better?
Some things of note:
The flying drone enemy's multi hit attack seems a bit unbalanced. Sometime it will just keep going, taking out your full party in one attack from full even in normal mode. Having to go through the zone with them by yourself to unlock the manticore is super annoying when they decide to hit you that many times, killing you even if you are defending.
Werewolf defend mission can scale a bit too hard during the defense segment if you get into too many combats.
Skills that retrigger can be a bit annoying because after they have killed everything, they still have to go through all the reactivations.
There is a graphical freeze that can happen sometimes, the game still works, just the graphics don't update. This appears to be a known RPG maker bug that can be prevented by developers somehow. Might want to look into implementing whatever that fix is.
The unfinished stuff is buggy, who would have guessed. To be more specific, the castle has some npcs with incorrect dialog, and some enemies just don't cause combat when you run into them in the same area. Some of the dialog things are the guard in the past causes the barrier removal dialogue before disappearing, and the upperleft room npcs all have the same dialogue as the guard the stops you from going north.
Are the trees to the left of town and to the right of town meant to take you out of the other when you exit them?
I might be doing something wrong, but I tend to not use ultimate because they do less damage then my normal skills.
Using xp shards needs a better way, because using hundreds at once takes forever. And you do end up with hundreds of them
Squirrel park has a cliffside that doesn't have collision. Its the one I am facing.
Nice little thing here. The two problems so far are it is too easy think health slime is an enemy and murder it. Could do with making the player unable to murder it, or stun you in the first encounter with it so that it heals you before you regain control. Second the nightmare wolf boss fight has a bit of jank, as in when the boss teleports to catch up, the player locks up for a bit, and sometimes this freeze lasts long enough for it to grab you while you are frozen as it always seems to try and grab you the instant it teleports.
edit: Also at the end of nightmare wolf when you jump to grab the watch, you can still hit the death plane and die, forcing you to do it again.
Some other random thing, Gedda's air attack can sometime hit with the stun and not the damage, but only if you just barely hit them
One backup later in case you want the save data, I will try to beat the game again.
Almost made it past trumpet fish, but then died and now trumpet fish won't continue, so the bug may have something to do with dying?
Made a video of me playing though just to see if that helps you find the issue.
Edit: After getting past that somehow, I have a few notes on the boss.
The rock on string can be burned again if you die to boss, in which case it falls through the floor. You can also get hit by it.
Pinecone boss hurts you when falling, which is a bit annoying as you would want to stand under the boss to hit them, but it is not that bad. Same with getting hit when the boss gets back up, annoying but easy to deal with after the first time.
The boss's pacing could be better, the first phase goes on for too long compared to the enrage. I personally think having enrage happen somewhat sooner would help with that. Another way would be to split the boss into three phases, without changing anything else.
Secondly is the enrage itself. The boss yells at you and turn red which indicated a phase change, but the yell itself is an attack bringing the rocks down, which as you are paying attention to the boss as it enrages and the screen effects hides the rocks, you don't notice and unless you are already at the edges you can't get away from the laser attack by the time you notice that it is an attack and not just part of the phase transition.
For Invincible enemies, it was a earth element and I was attacking with fire, but it wasn't even doing the thing were the enemy takes no damage as at least then it registers that it got it. Also the string was not burning for some reason, and I tried every attack with every dragon, it might be related to the enemies not taking damage.
Opening the game twice erased my save somehow, strange. Something to do with having two game windows open at once? Also I returned to title screen while massing z and now the game is soft locked, it makes menu sounds when pressing up or down, but nothing happens with any other button.
Because my save got erased, I'm going to replay the game and see if i can get past the rock now.
Sugar cubes spawned on you make no noise, but are still collected. Made me think I wasn't getting them for a bit though.
Ghosts spawning due it turning night instantly have hitboxes and so if you are where they spawn they instantly hit you upon it hitting night, however they will do the animation if you walk a bit away and then back.
There is no indication of changing time unless you open menu while in nest. Might want to hint at that somewhere.
The enemy strangeness continues, turns out for some reason in the previous save the enemies where not swapping between day and night forms correctly, instead they were all night in night form. Only now noticing, so the ghosts were always spawning, the fish were sleeping, and ice cubes all the time.
Now trumpet fish won't die despite all enemies being dead. I'm trapped in the room. Closing and re-opening the game did not fix this
The pause when attacking might have something to do with how close the enemy is, but that is just a guess.
Nice game, here is some odd things i noticed however:
Left and right are swapped on the map for some reason.
If you do one attack two times in a row, you can't attack for about a second
When I hit the water, I can't enter the water for about a second
In area upper left of the nest before the rock I managed to clip into the water without the game thinking I was in the water. Not quite sure how, but it might have something to do with swapping character. Annoying because i couldn't get out without dieing.
Some enemies went invincible for some reason. no clue why, but they could still hit me with attacks however I couldn't hit them or take contact damage. This seems only somewhat fix after reload, I can hit them but some enemies still have no contact damage.
Is the rock meant to be the end of the demo? because nothing marks it as then except that I can't do anything
The abacus doesn't seem to be listed anywhere after collection, is that meant to be the case?
I only have two major complaints:
1: Block puzzles were a bit buggy. I got stuck for a while because i couldn't tell the block was push-able because despite the pushing animation, it didn't move. No clue why this is though, as sometimes they will be pushed on first time, and later the same block would take a minute or two before the game would push it.
2: The controls on a keyboard are spread out. Would probably work better if you moved the interact from space bar to some other key above or below the ability key.
I also have two minor complaints. The first is the pots would hit enemies sometimes, other times it would go above them. I couldn't really tell when which would happen, but it didn't relay effect my experience.
Secondly, the given health just seems like too much. Health drops are a bit excessive, and heal a full heart, while most enemies only deal a quarter of a heart. This might be just because it is an early area, but even with that health drops could be toned down a little.
So, overall, I think it is an interesting concept, but still needs a good bit of work.