Hey great, I just had a chance to take a look at your game again now. I'm glad you decided to upload a fixed build, I hope it leads to even more players trying out your game. Now I can see what you were going for and my! These are ambitious plans. I really like the art style you guys chose, the rich pixel detailing on the map and the cute little ships. The trading system appears both robust and complex. I really like the idea of being a Merchant in Venice at this time, it's such a rich period of history and so rarely explored, even less so in games. Thanks for your entry!
This means so much to me! We really did put up a hard-work. We were kind of discouraged because of the state of the game when I submitted it. I felt like I betrayed my teammate because all the errors were due to my responsibilities. Maybe I should've spent less time making music for our game so it wouldn't have any problems when we first uploaded it but thanks to your kind words we really feel encouraged again! We are really new to the game development scene and we don't really know a lot about stuff but I hope by keeping the game updated and adding new features we could build an audience. Itch seems like the correct place to do so.
Thank you so much!!!
As long as you learned something, and it sounds like you did, I think you can call this Game Jam a success. In my opinion, that's what they are best for. I'm sure your teammate understands that game development is difficult work as most people interested in games do and hopefully has the grace to be cool about any difficulties or disappointments you faced. In the end, there are no real stakes here, no prize money at stake, it's just a friendly gathering of developers online. I wish you all the best for your own future as a game developer!