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This game is one big uncohesive nightmare. The only thing good in this game is the music. Where to even begin?


- The background is too polished and makes the NPCs look unfinished. 

- The writing is word salad at its best. Thesaurizing every word makes for pitiful writing and some parts are just unreadable. 

- Level design is sloppy, lazy, and uninspired. Why is there a transition into combat from a platforming game? That makes zero sense and kills any pacing. 

- The pacing through the levels is a slog. There is no sense of urgency to do anything and exploring is not rewarding in the slightest. 

- The UI is a mess. Permanently pasting the objective to fill up a portion of the screen is a miserable thing to do.


- Again the UI is poorly done and the combat shouldn't transition from a platformer to a card game. 

- The card game itself is just bad design. It feels clunky and unintuitive. The card text is so small that it is indicative of how irrelevant each card ability is.

- The pacing in the card game is annoying. There is no strategy involved in this at all. It quickly devolves into just randomly clicking cards until the combat is over.

- Having a dice-based damage system might be the worst cardinal sin of all. Like mentioned in the previous point there is no strategy involved in rng and its just a rush to try to end combat as fast as possible because it feels so bad.

Overall this is not a good game. This game can't decide if it wants to be a platformer, card game, or a poorly written graphic novel. Combining these elements together lends itself to lazy level design, terrible combat, and sloppy writing. There is no sense of place in this game even when its explicitly stated. Forcing different styles of games together is never a good idea. If you would have decided on a single element to focus on it mightve turned out decently but instead it became an unenjoyable mess.

Thank you for making an account just to give us feedback! Will keep these in mind moving forward :)