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So, now you've moved the game to Steam, you've deleted all builds from Itch?

Those of us who claimed the game for free are now left with nothing?

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It's complicated:

a. GridRoad will be taking advantage of Steam specific features such as steam leaderboards, so I can't continue with a non-steam version, which is why I have provided keys to everyone who purchased it.

b. Steam has a policy where I cannot undersell the game on any other storefront

c. Steam's prices are inclusive of any sales tax (if it says 4.99 you're going to pay 4.99)

d. Itch's prices are exclusive of sales tax (if it says 4.99 then you pay 4.99 PLUS any sales taxes from your country)

What this means is that the only way for me to have GridRoad Steam keys available for sale on itch is to overcharge them, deliberately charging a higher price so I don't violate Steams terms by undercutting their price. I don't want to overcharge anyone so I removed the game from sale. I think the only way to do this is to remove the builds from itch (they're still there but hidden).

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None of that's relevant, though.  

Those of us who claimed the game for free on Itch should be able to download - from Itch - whatever builds were published before the move to Steam, full stop.

It doesn't matter that we didn't pay anything - we took advantage of an offer to have access to the game as it existed at the time (early access, pre-release, whatever). Taking away access now comes over as mean-spirited at best. I wouldn't have expected a Steam key, but I do expect to be able to download what I've claimed.

I don't really get your "I won't sell on Itch" standpoint either, tbh. Plenty of devs sell on both platforms, accepting that Itch adds sales tax. I live somewhere with 20% sales tax and I've bought several games/dev-specific bundles from Itch which included Steam keys, albeit on sale (Agelvik's Black Friday '23 sale being the most recent). I don't care about leaderboards either, so offering a version without this feature wouldn't bother me.

Please reconsider your decision!


I do not care if you "get" my standpoint. Steam's terms are Steam's terms. I'm not going to violate those terms because it makes you personally unhappy.

If you think I have misinterpreted the terms by all means correct me.

I will try to see if there's some way to keep the old itch builds available for owners, but I don't think there's a way I can do this without the issues you claim are irrelevant cropping up.


It probably just depends on your location if Steam adds sales tax to your purchase.  Steam has always added additional sales tax at checkout for me in addition to the game price.  Different regions charge different tax so to base the game price on the tax is ridiculous.

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I don't know who you're complaining about. Me, Steam or Itch.

This is what Steam says on checkout for most of the EU and as far as I can tell, every country with VAT outside of the US.


So your logic for not being allowed to charge the same price on itch and steam is invalid.  VAT is not applicable to most customers.


I don't know why you're arguing from a place of complete ignorance. Read the section on rules, number 4 and then please tell me the magic spell I can cast to make the world you want a reality.


Since you asked me, I don't see the issue with the rule.  Steam does not want you to charge a higher price than what is offered on other sites.  You specifically stated that itch will add tax/vac to the price, but Steam will not.  So if you make the prices $4.99 on both sites than itch may be a higher price, which is exactly what Steam wants.  Steam gets the lower price.  No magic spell needed.

You can claim it from your library page.