Thank you for your comment, it was really pleasing to read.
At start our scope in mind was much much bigger. If this was a 1 year or even 6 month this would be the features:
-You would not only craft scales but weapons, foot gear, hats , gloves
-All of them would be seen in the battle phase.
-Raw materials that change the quality and abilities that you get from battle phase.
-They would be set items that if you craft for 1 pangolin it would give bonuses.
-After 10 crafts for same item an auto craft option based on your last 10 manual crafts quality.
-A more player active battle scene with skills and maybe even orders
-Hardcore mode that is nearly impossible to get all 5 100% scores.
Now we reduced the scope because of the time limit and these are the ones we still could not deliver.
-Pangolins would wear the scales in battle phase.
-There would be animations on battle phase.
-You would collect different spikes,paints with sparkles from the battle phase and use them to create better scales.
-A more balanced gameplay and a longer game loop with a much clear goal.
-A boss battle