What is cash gain based on? Can't figure it out.
Oh, this one. I'm sorry :) I have it frozen forever, so I haven't found it yet :) So what's the question? The further you go, the more they give you. Whether for the amount of Inspiration, or for the amount of Beauty. But since these are directly related things, it is difficult to find out exactly. More precisely, lazily :) But in any case, the universal rule already works. "The further I went, the more I got."
I found this in the code - looks like it's based on 10^(sqrt(log10(beauty / 100B)))
prestigeGain: (state, getters, rootState, rootGetters) => {
if (rootState.stat.gallery_beauty.value < buildNum(1, 'T')) {
return 0;
return Math.floor(rootGetters['mult/get']('currencyGalleryCashGain', Math.pow(10, Math.pow(logBase(rootState.stat.gallery_beauty.value / buildNum(100, 'B'), 10), 0.5))));