Really cool entry! We ended up with fairly similar games although you leaned harder into the platformer than we did with it. I think the overall world design was very cool, definitely got the same n64/old school vibes that others mentioned as well. Just like everyone else said as well, I did struggle with the gameplay a bit as several of the moves were very difficult to pull off. Also, I swear one of the signs said you could scale an object you were standing on but it never seemed to work for me no matter where/how I looked.
I'm impressed at how much you got into the game in such a short time as well. That said, I had trouble keeping track of everything and at times it felt like the game was trying to do too many things from the dark souls-esque bonfires to the tight platforming and the puzzle-esque scaling. Maybe it would be better in a larger game where the mechanics could be spread out a bit farther to give you time to learn everything at your own pace. But overall a really solid entry and a fun game to go through!