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(1 edit)

I've provided pre-built download links for more platforms courtesy of GitHub actions:

Thanks for letting me know! I've reinitialized the repository, so hopefully that will fix things. I've also uploaded a version to codeberg in case that is still an issue.

(4 edits) (+1)

Okay, cool. I had to track down your fork of blender_bevy_components_workflow though, because the dependencies were local paths.

The game looks as good as it did in the screenshots! Really showing off Bevy's new shadow filtering. Very shiny.

The rail segments felt really cool. Or at least, potentially really cool if the camera behaved.

The camera was my biggest frustration, but I'm trying to play on a trackpad, so that's a bit of a handicap. I realized way too late that there was gamepad support. It looks like I could have read that in the tutorial text, but the tutorial text was pretty low-contrast (especially the "jump" tutorial), seemed to assume a particular camera angle, so hard to read. I'm just now seeing the text on the game page, oooops.

I also seemed to spawn with random velocity half the time. Had to just respawn a bunch until my marble would stay still. Maybe this is just the connected gamepad I wasn't using acting up or something though.

It would also be nice if there were a floor / threshold to fall into so I don't have to manually restart the level every time I fall.

edit: Okay, yeah, this all makes way more sense with a gamepad. Just wish the UI worked with it. It's awkward in a race for the time to have every run start with an input method switch. The camera is still super wonky, but it's much more playable.

Thanks so much for all the great feedback! What you mentioned is all at the top of my list for fixing, but ran into time issues - especially camera issues.