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A member registered Jul 08, 2017 · View creator page →

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it was all worth it for that epic endgame screen. 10/10 - IGN

I honestly didn't know what the axe or hammer buildings did but that didn't stop me from amassing a crab army

This was a fun one. There's just something about upgrading weapons that makes me wanna keep going.

woohoo! Had fun with this. Great execution too, free of any bugs from my playthrough. Loved the graphics style, and it was pretty understandable on how to play.

A couple notes on playthrough - I found that I could leave some of the mining aspect of the game on auto if I set a ton of space to be cleared randomly. I also really would have liked to see some different tower types (maybe that could also help with the mining aspect so players could prioritize different ores for different towers or something) since I really like the tower placement strategy aspect in TD type games.

Great submission!

now that's a lot of entities. I liked the concept - though I wish the top right text was above the middle text instead, though maybe that'd be too easy.

The concept you built off of is neat, I'd like to see where this could go.

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can confirm i did enjoy the numbers going up

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Thanks! The camera definitely needs some bug fixing :) I realized the release for mouse also has inverted-y by default 😭 whoops

I loved thrashing my poor computer running this in WASM. I was surprised how accurate the cheese physics were, like it seemed like gyroscopic motion was pretty spot on. Also "cheese physics" is not a phrase I think has been uttered before, except maybe within modded Skyrim.

Beautiful execution, great concept! I love the theme interpretation.

This was really fun, almost like an RTS but with AI, and bees. One thing I didn't understand well was how the magic wax was obtained, but I still was able to play properly! I also would have liked an ability to just turn "on" the bee nursery to always create more bees, since at a point you eventually get enough nectar to run all the time. Something else that might help balance the difficulty is if an enemy could attack a structure or drain the nectar count. 

Over all, really charming and a great concept that had me thinking of how you could evolve this in cool ways. Perf was also great considering my screen had A Lot Of Bees! on it.

Thanks! Yeah, I tested mostly on controller so mouse and keyboard definitely can use some improvement and ability to customize.

Thanks so much for all the great feedback! What you mentioned is all at the top of my list for fixing, but ran into time issues - especially camera issues.

This is the best time I could get on level 03

Clever and enjoyable :)

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I've provided pre-built download links for more platforms courtesy of GitHub actions:

Thanks for letting me know! I've reinitialized the repository, so hopefully that will fix things. I've also uploaded a version to codeberg in case that is still an issue.

Art is really cute, this felt really polished. I was surprised how difficult this could be - I loved the gameplay & concept.

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I love how chaotic this is! After a minute or so there's a billion asteroids, and the shooting upgrades are fun to see. I like the movement style too - I can see how this would lend itself well mapped to a gamepad.

The AI is pretty good, I had a close match. Cool game!

Unfortunately, I was unable to get this game to run at a playable framerate on web, so the only option is the Windows executable.

Great work!

thanks for playing and for the feedback!  All of your points are great ideas and I agree that more feedback would help make the game more rewarding 

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this is a fantastic idea :)  Streaming helps me stay motivated.  I'm not a developing this game but I'll try to stream my composing/sound design stuff for it at

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Hi there!  I'm looking for a team to make something awesome :)


I make some music, you can view a few links here - 

my tumblr(updated, disorganized snippets, beware of some nsfw text)

soundcloud comps(more orchestral stuff + sound design,  older stuff)

example of a song I made for a game



I program with Rust mainly.  I haven't done game programming before, but I'd like to learn!

If you wanna work together, shoot me a message with your idea on discord at doomy#5373 or look in the discord group :), or post it here