New problem I've run into. Deep underground, I and my water-sib party (Wardens Ualraig, Esther, and Indrix) got into a fight with a legendary ogre ape and a bunch of other things. I didn't want to kill the legendary due to the reputation losses, so instead I hit them with a love injector via my dart gun. After a few tries, it worked, and I was able to talk to the ape, fleece it of all its stuff, and beat a hasty retreat with my party.
Some time after, though, I noticed that Ualraig wasn't following me. He was still considered my companion (if I clicked on him in the Objects Near Me menu, I have the full range of orders and such I can give him), but if I clicked on him in the map, it just brought up his NPC dialogue screen. I'm not sure what happened (it could have been something unrelated?), but him staying in one place is gonna be a problem.
Note: It should be said that I installed the updated fork of the Clever Girl mod, though it didn't affect him following me for a long while, so I don't think it's that by itself.
Edit: Never mind! I'm dumb. He's just overburdened.