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woohoo! Had fun with this. Great execution too, free of any bugs from my playthrough. Loved the graphics style, and it was pretty understandable on how to play.

A couple notes on playthrough - I found that I could leave some of the mining aspect of the game on auto if I set a ton of space to be cleared randomly. I also really would have liked to see some different tower types (maybe that could also help with the mining aspect so players could prioritize different ores for different towers or something) since I really like the tower placement strategy aspect in TD type games.

Great submission!


Yay! Thanks for playing and for the detailed feedback.

I really wanted it to be possible to play with one button, and the controls felt pretty intuitive to me but you never know how that's going to turn out. I have had a few folks not get that you can "paint" so I tried to just throw that language around in the mini-tutorial and on the itch page. I still need to implement edge-of-screen camera panning.

I had planned on an "upgrade ritual" for the towers that would use the crystal resource (if you happened to stumble on that deep in the mountain) but was nowhere near finishing it so it got the cut. And the metal ore used to be laid out in slightly more obvious veins that you might want to follow, but there was just way too much of it in the game so that got balanced out a bit. On the harder difficulties, you might want to micromanage a bit -- metal takes a long time to mine and if you go full auto you'll end wasting some time mining extra metal. I had contemplated adding a limit on the number of spots you could mark to mine out, but that feels like a bit of a shortcut/hack around the real issues.

I'll have to do some thinking about other tower types / ores.