Glad you like it! My wishlist (in order of priority) for expanding the game is as follows:
- At least 6 more events: 1 more scene with unique art for each pairing would give a better climax to the action.
- New levels and enemies: More gameplay variety with different challenges and map features.
- More spells: Ability to customize your abilities to add more strategy. I am considering a variety of effects including freeze, teleport, charm, bless and curse spells.
- Temple map: Ability to pick the next level and companions instead of following a set path. More interactions for different combinations.
- Saving and loading: Multiple save slots to make it easier to find events for different pairings.
- Action sprites: Similar Monsoon, little sprites to the side can be added to show what's happening instead of the text log.
- Gallery: For replaying previously seen events.
Events involving different creatures are something that I'd like to have if the game grows beyond the two updates that I'm planning. This game will be one of the three candidates to replace Monsoon so there's a possibility of something beyond v3.