hacker spammer w/ max loadspeed + dmg w/ max speed) gets destroyed when i put on my fearless (i locked in)💀
second game. even if ones leave, three more darn spammers come in, all fresh and carrying themselves higher than heaven.
I've trained for long enough so that my aim has improved. Ehh, I think might need to get a little sweaty show these "players" who run for only gold and sweat to prey on noobs who are being influenced by them what it means to truly play this game.
Tell him: You’re actually braindead since you blame people for “hacking” when your PC runs on 3.5 potatoes . And just because you dont have any other arguments other than “this guy is a nerd and still fails to make a point lmfao” you’re not one to talk since you mald every game saying “OMG THIS GUY IS A TRYHARD GET OFF THE GAME!!” and “OMG THIS GUY IS LAG HACKING AND LOADSPEED HACKING!!!” when you clearly dont even know what you’re talking about 💀 your argument in the pelican party server was so stupid it made my braincells hurt. “THIS GUY IS LAG HACKING!!!!” When your pc runs at 40 fps and 260+ ping 💀. Also, people like razgriz have 4000+ elo and I dont see him complaining about hackers, but since YOU’RE clearly special and have SUCH a high elo, you’re getting ALL the hackers. Someone is special fr 🤧🤧
-some guy who doesn’t have itch and wants to reply to ur comment
No offense, your definition of hacker SHOULD be taken with a grain of salt.
In this message from the discord (https://discord.com/channels/519477170964267008/586106332201877504/1157505358810...), you defined a hacker that was "Lag hacking to me specifically!", while in the video you have shown you were averaging 20-40 fps by DEFAULT as well as 200-415 ping. THEN you also complain about him "bypassing the damage cap oh noo hes a hacker!!" when you have 260 - 415 PING. Ping is the amount of time data sent to the server gets sent back to YOU. so if we take your ping of 260 where you first accused him of "bypassing the damage cap". The server then has to process data coming in, (bow 1 + sword) and THEN sends it back to you at the same time, hence why he was killing you so fast.
"No OfFENse, yOur DeFINITiON oF hAcKer ShoULD bE TAKEn witH A gRain oF SALt.
In this mesSage fRom ThE DIsCoRd,yOU DeFineD A hAcKer THAT Was "LAG haCKinG to mE SpECIFICaLlY!", whILe IN ThE VIDeo YoU haVe shOwn yoU werE aVeRAGiNg 20-40 FPs by DeFaUlT As WEll As 200-415 pInG. tHEn yoU alSO cOmPLaIN abOuT hIM "BYPAsSInG tHe DamAGE CaP oh noo HES A haCkeR!!" WhEn YOU HaVE 260 - 415 pInG. piNg iS THe aMOunT Of TiMe DATA senT to thE SERVeR gEts SenT bACk tO yoU. so If WE tAKe yOur PInG Of 260 whErE YoU fiRST AccUsEd Him of "bYPASSiNG THe DAmagE Cap". ThE sErVEr tHEN Has to pRocEss DATA CoMiNg In, (bow 1 + SwORD) AnD then SENds It BAcK tO You AT tHE sAME TiMe, hence Why He Was KilLinG yOu sO FAsT. "🤓