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I'm enjoying my playthrough immensely, I didn't expect that the game would feature such intricate world-building and such a heart-wrenching story. And the game is nearly bug-free to boot, though I've run into a problem that prevents me from advancing the plot.

Right now, I'm in the laboratory (where you can open several doors using four-digits codes), and in the central northern room, I'm supposed to enter a password which is composed of two words (in order to use a blue switch). Contrary to my expectations, the northwestern and northeastern rooms don't contain (clues to) the password components (nothing happens when examining the books there, which might or might not be a bug), so I'm pretty stumped and would appreciate pointers on how to proceed.

Furthermore, I've (only) encountered one (other) serious bug so far:

- The game fails to load map048 (game-breaking) when entering the Forbidden Fortress (ice continent) from the world map (entering from the Snow Fields works fine, though).

Hi Euphoniac, thank you again for the nice feedback, I deeply appreciate it :)

I apologize for the broken events (unreadable books and crashing map) I checked and I missed those errors, thanks for pointing them out.

I uploaded a 'Bug fix - Broken events' which contains a 'data' folder you need to replace inside the 'www' folder. (backup the previous data folder in case it doesn't work)

After that, you should be able to interact with the books and proceed with the story. The Forbidden Fortress warp should be working now, too.

Let me know if it's fixed or I can check other options to solve the issue. 

After replacing the data folder, the game now doesn't even reach the title screen. There are a lot of loading errors concerning the img/system folder, like Balloon.png, Shadow2.png or Weapons2.png. I can't fix them all by myself, and I don't know why the game even tries to load png.-files when most of the files in the img/system folder have the RPGMVP format.

For now, could you please just tell me the password needed to proceed? Unless it doesn't work without properly inspecting the book-related hints, of course.

(2 edits) (+1)

That's weird, I'll look into it... Sorry!

Edit: I tested the file replacement and it works by just updating the Map035.json and Map055.json inside the data folder. (I reuploaded the Bug fix with just these two files)

You may need to re-enter the map after updating for it to take change.

Edit 2: Removed the answer to avoid spoilers to other people. 


Thanks, the updated maps did the trick and I was able to advance the story. :)