interesting concept! i think it's a little unfocused, but if tuned more, could be turned into something really special. right now the game feels like it's split between being a tower defense and a clicker game. the idea of a "tower defense but the towers are actually hotel guests" is actually a super cool idea, and you can definitely feel it in the game with the guests' stats and abilities - however, it feels like your own attacks sort of overtake it. if you put enough money into your spray attack, manually clicking at every enemy, there's basically no need to ever interact with the other side of the game. it's at odds with the tower defense part - past a certain point, your guests won't ever even see an enemy. if you focused more on encouraging the player to use the guests to defend against the enemies, the game would be even better! outside of the gameplay, the music is quite the bop, and i LOVE the character portraits! they have a lot of charm :) grats on making it in, and great game!